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Comments 15

tasabian May 28 2010, 01:35:35 UTC
When Clark is looking for Lex, he calls the mansion, the office, and his cell. What kind of 21-year old non-relative gives his 14-year-old friend all of his contact information, LOL!! I love how slashy this show is.
Heh, and Clark is one smitten kitten in this episode - Martha is so worried!

Clark: "We were 6-years-old, twice our size was 3 feet tall."
I love that line and the way Tom says it. So cute!


theclexfactor May 28 2010, 11:32:21 UTC
Zero gave some great examples of the epic love story of Clark and Lex, lol.

I've always loved that quote. Clark used to get really witty lines in S1, I'm starting to realize, back when he was younger and more carefree.


jlvsclrk May 28 2010, 09:36:10 UTC
Hurray for NOT limiting yourself to one paragraph! I love reading your thinky thoughts.

With Zero, I don't think its at all clear that the final version Lex gave to Amanda's brother was the right one. Clark plaintively asks him at the end if that's the truth and Lex's answer "what do you think?" is ambiguous (and later echod in Nicodemus where he definitely is lying to Clark). I've also seen it pointed out that the version where he shoots the fiance is the one he has in the privacy of his own thoughts - ie, not trying to get off the hook with the police or an avenging brother.

I was just wondering if you might also want to keep track of Lex's extravagent gestures - things that might be construed as his buying favour with Clark. Not going into the the factory in Jitters - that was genuine bravery - but here where he sets Lana up in the Talon for example.


theclexfactor May 28 2010, 11:28:00 UTC
Damn it Lex! And I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. But what you say makes sense. And Lex has a lot of gall to call Clark on his lying, btw.

Hmm, I think I will keep track of Lex's grand gestures because those fireworks and doin things for Lana in a way that Clark will notice seem glaringly obvious, lol.


homicidalfink May 28 2010, 13:22:04 UTC
Shut the front door, but this is where I officially wrote Chloe off. What was so fascinating to her about this adoption thing that she would rather betray Clark's friendship by saving the documents? Why was it any of her business. Clark flat out said he didn't want to find his parents even though he was curious about them, but that's not her responsibility to do it for him. No one's life was at stake, and it never got to be "her problem". So this is where I officially never wanted her anywhere near Clark's secret because she couldn't even be trusted with the secret of his adoption. What if that info got out and someone with more pull looked into Clark's adoption? This was some of the first indications that Chloe and Lex's stories wrt Clark's secret paralleled, and this is why I'm equally ticked with both of them.This. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I still found myself talking out loud to the tv (and amusing the kids) by rooting for her to click that Delete button. When she didn't I was so disappointed. This ( ... )


theclexfactor May 28 2010, 17:50:40 UTC
Chloe herself said in Season 9 that she wanted to have "all the information", so I could look at this initial betrayal of Clark's trust as just her need to have "all the information." And considering I cheated last weekend and watched Lineage, I know the fact that she didn't delete that information led to the whole Rachel Dunlevy incident (and almost getting Lex killed ( ... )


arianstarr May 28 2010, 22:31:48 UTC
You picked my favourite quote from Kinetic. :D I've had to pause my Smallville rewatch in order to devour season 2 of Leverage. I've seen the eps so often that, like I did with season 1, I've gone straight to watching with the commentaries on. Any show that gives me funny, quality, truly entertaining commentaries on every single episode is gold in my book. In any case, I am somewhere around where you are with Smallville, I think.


theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:39:28 UTC
I hope you come back with your thoughts when you catch up :D


Episode 13: Kinetic (part I) itashee June 3 2010, 20:12:47 UTC
About the episode ( ... )


Re: Episode 13: Kinetic (part I) theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:43:27 UTC
IMO, the criminals in Kinetic are secondary, so I didn't pay much attention to the fact that they were lame, lol. For me it was the interaction with Clark and Whitney that sold the episode. I didn't mind so much that Clark wasn't the focus because he was still all up and through the episode, and it was his desire to truly help Whitney without his reason being Lana that made the episode a success in my book.

I think they forgot that Smallville was supposed to be the Clark Kent show in season 6, 7 and the second part of season 8 - I smell a serious loss of long term memory...I agree, and this is something that I'm glad that B&K have started realizing. I'm not one of those fans that thinks EVERY episode should be SOLELY about Clark, because for all intents and purposes, this is still an ensemble show, but what they've done in Season 9 is bring the THEME of the episodes back to Clark and his motives and how his actions affect those around him. And if they validate him in the end then any other errors they've made are immediately ( ... )


Re: Episode 13: Kinetic (part I) itashee June 4 2010, 18:16:38 UTC
//For me it was the interaction with Clark and Whitney that sold the episode.//

Exactly. Kinetic may not be my favourite episode of season 1, but I really liked the interaction between Clark and Whitney, which was the most interesting element of the episode for me.
I really started to like Whitney as a character, and it’s a pity (in my opinion) that TPTB decided not to bring him back in season 2 for more episodes.


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