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Sep 18, 2010 22:44

Age: 17
Height: 157 cm | 5'1"
Weight: 39 kg | 85 lbs
Medical Info: Perfectly healthy half-elf!
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Pink
Physical traits: She's tiny! UM, otherwise she probably has slighty pointy ears due to being a half-elf.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: ANYTHING. I'm cool with everything.
Abilities: Arche is the resident black mage and she's really good at it! Here's a list of her artes. She can also sense mana, and because of this, she can pick out various elves and half elves and summon spirits and I guess angels even though she doesn't know what that is just yet, so that's just a really weird ping she doesn't understand. She's good at stuff as long as it's magic related in some way, pretty much.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Welllll, Arche's not completely human! So it's possible that people can sense that she's a half-elf. Otherwise, her mind is pretty much that of a teenage girl and full of thoughts about cute boys and stuff like that.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'm cool with everything, but talk to me if it's something like bodyswapping.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Sure! That stuff is perfectly awesome with me and she might actually initiate it herself a good chunk of the time.
Maim/Murder/Death: Hurting her is cool if it gets to that point, but for murder and death and severe injury, please talk to me first. \o/ ALSO REMEMBER THAT SHE CAN FIGHT BACK.

Cooking: HAHAHAHAHA no. She is absolutely terrible and no one should eat anything she makes because they'll need medical attention afterward.


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