valentine's day comes on tomorrow this year? oh bother-winnie the pooh

Feb 12, 2005 21:05

mmm, super hooray for being sick?  minus that.  today was actually really fun w/rachel but the world sucks at making teeshirts.  you all will be beyond amazed, just wait.  soooo, we deff got a new printer which i.m thinkin i can put pictures up + what not.  cool.

afternoon, in the parking lot, we stared so long + you kissed me. )

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Comments 6

moie13 February 13 2005, 04:56:15 UTC
how do you make it a link??????? i want to put it in my LJ but i dont know how to make it a link... or ne thing else for that matter... would you be as so kind to tell me?
<3M xoxooxoxo


the_moo_kid February 14 2005, 00:40:11 UTC
a link like what i did? you go to (...) that thing. well, first you click on rich text mode, then click the (...) far in internet link...i have no idea. go on the help page + the faq page...i bet that will help.



moie13 February 15 2005, 00:56:11 UTC
thanks dear. you are wonderful.
i hope the play is going well... <3!
later gater


anonymous February 13 2005, 19:15:46 UTC
you missed number 11


the_moo_kid February 14 2005, 00:41:53 UTC



lauralk3 February 13 2005, 23:58:09 UTC
"55. I would classify myself as ghetto-you know how we do g."

i love you for that. you are my condiment soulmate AND my true homie.


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