I don't know my LiveJournal password

Feb 13, 2003 18:38

... I can type it in, and if you asked me to I could write it down, but I don't know what it is

oh, and tell us how that could be oh mighty wizard... )

computer, lj

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Comments 3

lproven February 13 2003, 11:43:06 UTC
Saw someone's recently. All the letters in a well known word, transposed a key across the keyboard. Easy toi remember, virtually impossible to write down or tell anyone...


That'd be me, then... flick February 13 2003, 11:58:35 UTC
And there was me about to say "I have a really clever password"...


Re: That'd be me, then... lproven February 13 2003, 12:12:41 UTC
It would.

And it is. :¬)


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