Hello everyone,
first of all I'd like to welcome my new friends I found over at ontd_fb (damn I used to have that program that made LJ entries including comms and names so easy, where the hell can I find that).
So every since the world cup I discovered this amazing communities focusing on my favorite sport: football soccer if you're american
I met
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Comments 58
if you need new layouts go to milou_veronica
that's where i got mine and it really was simple enough!
yeah with the bayern game, when you left, it was like the first half all over again except they were attacking more. and we had some good and horrible passes. and the highlight of the second half was also the last 5 min. kroos had an awesome goal though. best of the game! and mario scored and accioaiko was incredibly happy of course! and the after the game basti and holger swapped shirts and that was enjoyable!
yeah i get what you mean about going friends only.
that's what i did a few weeks ago because i was like ehh i post a lot in the comms and i don't want everyone to be able to see my thoughts u know? esp if i've never talked to them or whatever. but it really all depends on you!
it's good to meet you :)
is your name Alisa? That is such a beautiful name!
I kinda do have a layout and a beautiful header (even if it is non-football LOL) but I can't seem to get it working!
LOL, so basically we played 2 mins in the first and 5 mins in the second half and the rest was just wasting time and flaunting the pretty?
Glad to hear Accioaiko is happy, that means happy pics and happy gifs!
OMG I missed Basti and Holger topless? The later looking like my little brother is probably stopping me from ever finding him hot but still. (I need to add that gif here)
I'll probably keep my footie talk over where everyone can read it, mostly anyway, but the privat thoughts should be for the people I do actually know only.
It's very good to meet you too :D
yeah that basically seems to sum it up!
we were like wow are they going to score again?
and then half the time mario played and before he scored, the commentators were hating of course saying he isn't worth the money etc etc being mean about bayern. i was like whatevs.
hahaha. i can't wait for her gifs!
I heard Mario was missing a sitter or two chances and then his goal was really well done. I wish he would break through this season, he is so talented and nice and fun and yes HOT. And Bast loves him.
I love her gifs, she makes awesome ones.
I keep getting distracted by your icon LOL
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I missed half of it so it wasn't too bad. Aren't we playing kinda bad against small teams most of the time anyway? Especially early in the season! I ain't too worried either as long as they play pretty footie when I get to watch and win all games anyway I am happy ;)
also happy scoring mario is going to mean more shirtless mario and i think i kind of like that ;)
yeah i got the mark icon yesterday and i love him so much. so sweet and so sexy. im going to overuse this as much as i can
I adore that man so much, happy overusing LOL
We haven't talked favourite players and teams yet, have we?
The game today was a little disappointing. I am hoping that we get all the kinks worked out in time for friday. I think it will help that it's Wolfsburg and we will need to take them more seriously. Plus we will have Van Buyten back and not Micho. lol
I have been friends only for ages. lol I can't really remember why I started but it's sort of nice to keep people from just trolling through. ;) I feel like I can speak my mind better this way.
I agree, we tend to take DFB cup not too seriously. Seems like mostly they tried to not get injured and were maybe a little tired from friday?
Completely agree on the Mico vs DvB obviously.
Good point on the friends only matter. I should have bb badstuber shouting that on his famous bitchy fit gif LOL
Haha I feel like Badstuber has provided us with a gif to use in so many situations. ;)
Michos screw ups are epic by now, but if you think about them internationally - against Juve we won the game, against ManUnited at home we won the game. His screw ups might even be a good sign!
Badstuber will provide us with so much more in the future I am sure of it!
I didn't watch the match because I was going out ;)
I'm not watching as many series as you at the moment, most of them are in a hiatus, october will be more stressful ;)
You'd like that comm, too, at least the serious discussions. But I think the fangirling over certain Spain NT players might scare you. It sure did me LOL
I found the summer shows this summer to be very well written and entertaining, seeing as how many of my shows were cancelled or ran out anyway I am hoping october will just be the same. I have so much football to watch, too!
How did you like the world cup this year?
As you might remember I'm a litte bit afraid of discussions about football, everyone is for his/her favourite club and the bashing goes on (even at our board where I haven't seen you for a long while). But thanks anyway !
If you talk about this years summer shows I don't think I have seen any of them ;) I only watch german TV and they are at least some months behind but I will catch them up all ;)
The group stage at the world cup was boring, at least the matches I could watch (most of the time I was at work when they played). If I could watch them I did many things along the way, the match itself was not so important for me (only the goals), don't know why. At least the knockout stage was quite interesting and I watched most of the matches fully concentrated ;) But it was sad to lose against Spain again. I hope you liked it more than I did ;)
You are right, football discussion bring out wanks all the time, dangerous place. Yeah I haven't been to the board in ages, but I wasn't very active there in years anyway.
How do you deal with german dubbing? It always annoys the hell out of me.
I don't think the wc was half as good as the the wc 2006 or the euros 2008, tbh. The games weren't as good, the refereeing was horrible. All in all I was disappointed in the whole thing, but glad we played so well. The game against Spain was very painful...
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