The Cannery's 2009 Stocking Stuffer Exchange

Nov 30, 2009 10:09

Thanks to everyone who commented to say they were interested in the exchange. The results are in and we're officially kicking off The Cannery's Very First Stocking Stuffer Exchange.

You know what that means!
It's time to dust off your elf hat and come sign up!

How Does It Work? (Simplified.)
♥ You write a story (minimum 100 words, no maximum) for someone.
♥ Someone writes a story for you.
♥ Everybody's happy!

How Does It Work? (Detailed.)
  • You'll be submitting three different requests and your Stocking Elf will write at least one of them.
  • What should you include in these requests?
    Pairings or characters, a scenario, genre, prompt, object, or anything else that could spark a story or inspire your Elf. (Stock photos, songs, quotes/lyrics, short word-lists, etc. all tend to make good prompts for me personally, but you can include whatever you like.) Feel free to give guidance to your Elf, but try not to detail an entire story in your prompt. Your request needn't involve Christmas or the holidays unless that's what you want. All pairings and ratings are welcome.
  • If you decide to make a very unusual request -- for example: Everyone on the island turns into a magical forest creature, leprechauns, unicorns, etc. -- it would be a good idea to make your remaining two requests easier to accomodate. Remember, if your requests are something that another writer might reasonably be expected to fulfill; it will help ensure that you are not disappointed.
  • Remember, when you sign up to be a Stocking Elf, you are committing to write a story as a gift for someone. If you don't think you can finish something before the due date, please don't sign up. If you run into unexpected difficulties, please contact one of the mods as soon as possible. Defaulting on your obligation means someone who has contributed will not recieve a gift or a pinch-hitter writer will have to fulfill your obligation for you. If you sign up and then drop off the radar without delivering a story, then you will be banned from taking part in future gift exchanges at this community.
  • If you are utterly inspired by more than one of the requests in your assignment, you are welcome to write them. This means each recipient will receive at least one fic, but could receive up to three.
  • Stories should be no less than drabble-size. That is 100 words or more; there is no maxiumum limit.
  • Sign up for the Stocking Stuffer Exchange by copying and pasting the form below into a comment to this entry. Please let me know in your comment if you would like to Pinch Hit or be an alternate writer if someone else cannot fulfill their obligation.Comments will be screened.

    NAME (or LJ username):
    REQUEST 1:
    REQUEST 2:
    REQUEST 3:
    I PREFER TO WRITE (This is to assist with the matching process, but there is no guarantee that you will be assigned your preference, though every effort will be made):

  • Posting guidelines will be posted here at the comm once assignments are sent out.
  • Please advertise the Harper's Island Stocking Stuffer Exchange at your livejournal! The more people sign up, the more fun it’ll be, the more likely it is we’ll be able to match requests up well and the more fic we’ll have to read!

Sign-up sheet and some of the general explanations snagged with permission from lostsquee's Lost Ho!Ho!Ho! Exchange

Important Dates to Remember
  • Sign-up Deadline → Sunday Dec. 6th, 12:00 Noon, Pacific Standard Time
  • Sign-ups Sent Out → No later than Dec. 8th
  • Fic Posting/Writing Deadline → Dec. 20th through January 2nd

  • Questions? Please PM either gigglemonster or crickets.


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