It was a beautiful day, as far as days in late November (on an unidentified tropical island with no real location or even indication of location that might provide information on climate that might allow one to contrast with what the weather should be like) went.
Temperance Brennan, in her capacity as the head of the lab, had assembled a team. She'd done it quietly, not without some attention to the fact that her teams often (statistically, every time) suffered some kind of calamity. In fact, she wasn't even going to call it a team, or refer to this as a mission. Not because she was superstitious about it-- where was the science in that.
"It's more of an outing," she'd told John as she got dressed that morning. "If those of us here who use the lab are to work together effectively, we need to know one another's strengths and weaknesses." In case this wasn't enough logic, she tried a charm smile. "We'll all be..." Her eyebrow twitched. "Friends. We can make friends."
Regardless of whether or not he'd bought it, or whether or not he was secretly hiding and waiting for disaster in the bushes, Temperance found herself thigh-deep in the ocean. A pair of cut-off athletic shorts hardly proclaimed her a PhD, but the intensity with which she observed and directed Hodgins and Zach in their efforts did.
Today's mission: catch a mate for Booth.
Some might have thought it twisted karma, but Temperance thought it was only logical to try and breed squid, as long as they already had one. They might even be able to successfully release the progeny out into the wild again. How would one teach a young squid to hunt, she wondered, and was distracted by the cry of a bird above.
She turned back towards the shore, and took an undeniable pleasure in seeing the people assembled there. After waving to Angela, she began to turn back to the matter at hand, and was paused by a peculiar sight.
There were schools of fish, brightly colored fish that she knew shouldn't be this close to land, making a mad swim towards the shore and then veering off, creating the effect of a peeling banana as they raced along the island's perimeter.
It's not intuition if you've got empirical evidence, right?
"Zach," she said. "Hodgins. I think we should go back to--"
And then she didn't say anything, mostly because there was a large, angry squid arm around her thighs, and her head was underwater. Against the sting of salt, she managed to get her eyes open beneath the water, and oh shit.
Temperance hoped her flailing and splashing would alert her fellow academics to the giant squid now looming in front of her. She even gasped something to that effect as her head broke water once again, though mostly she was gasping for air.
Her stinging eyes made out movement on the shore, and she reached blindly towards it, trying to fill her lungs with as much oxygen as possible. The last thing she saw as she went under again was one very large, very angry eye.
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