Title: Gummi Bears of DOOOOOM
blooeyePairing(s): a little Biorg
Rating: PG to be safe
Warnings: none really.
Summary: Bill’s bears get stolen, but when Georg goes to apologize, he gets a little
surprise of his own.
FQF Prompt: number 48, Things get ugly when Georg boldly eats some of Bill's gummi bears.
Author's notes: I slipped a line from my FAVE Geoffrey Paris song in here, I Want Candy Dead. If you find the reference you get cookies! I don’t own squat, except for the idea of the bracelet.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction for
th_fanfic's Georg's Birthday FQF 2008. It never happened and no money is being made from its publication.
Georg plunked down onto the seat, making Tom jump, his dreadlocked head snapping up, brown eyes popping open.
“Shit, Georg!” Tom yelped. The bassist grinned. Startling Tom out of his headphones trances was really fun.
“Look what I got,” Georg said, waving a bag of Bill’s precious gummi bears in Tom’s face. “I stole them from his Praaaaaaaada bag while he was out cold. Want some?”
The older Kaulitz’s eyes got wide.
“I reeeeeeealy wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Tom told Georg.
“Why not?” Georg said, grinning. Tom rolled his eyes and pulled his headphones off.
“Have you seen how Bill protects those things?” Tom asked, cocking one blonde eyebrow.
Georg looked thoughtful. He looked at the Ziploc of gummi bears in his hands.
“Yeeea… Oh well.” Georg said, popping some into his mouth. Tom groaned, pinching his nose.
“Fine. Dig your own grave, but don’t come crying to me when Bill tries to kill you with his eyeliner.” Tom pulled his headphones back on and took out an old Rolling Stone.
Georg stuck his tongue out at the guitarist and stood up.
I’ll just enjoy these alone. he thought, walking to his bunk. He slid into the curtained quiet and picked up his book, tossing some more gummi bears into his mouth.
A few minutes later a knock on the edge of his bunk took him out of the world of his book. He pulled back the curtain to find Gustav staring at him.
“Tom says you stole Bill’s gummi bears.” The drummer said.
It wasn’t a question, it wasn’t an accusation, it was just a statement. Georg found it annoying how Gustav could be so annoyingly blunt sometimes.
“Yea, why?” Georg said. Gustav grinned and stuck out one calloused hand.
“Fork some over.” He said. Georg grinned.
He scooped out some bears and poured them into the waiting hand of the blonde drummer. Gustav shoved the whole handful into his mouth, nodding his thanks to Georg. He pulled the curtain closed as he left, leaving Georg to his book. Georg settled back into his pillows and resumed reading, happily munching the gummi bears.
About an hour later
Georg didn’t like being woken abruptly, but when Bill shrieked like he just had, no one stayed asleep unless they were dead. He winced and shoved back his curtain, having a bad idea as to why Bill had shrieked. He ducked back into his bunk a moment later, however, having nearly been hit in the temple with mascara.
“Dude, Bill, what are you doing?” Georg heard Gustav ask. Bill looked up, brown eyes wild.
“My gummi bears are missing!” he squeaked. Georg gulped. He saw Gustav look at him from the end of the hallway.
“I’m sure they’ll turn up.” Gustav said comfortingly, walking toward Bill. “Oh, look, they seem to be in Georg’s bunk.”
Georg looked up at Gustav, his eyes disbelieving.
“What?” Bill snarled. Georg pleaded to Gustav with his eyes.
“Sorry.” The drummer whispered. “Yea, Bill, Georg has got them.”
Gustav reached into Georg’s bunk and pulled out the-now half empty-bag of gummi bears. The drummer calmly handed the bag to Bill, who seemed to be shaking. Georg climbed out of his bunk slowly, avoiding any physical contact with Bill. He stood and faced the tall singer. Bill was still shaking, and his face was hidden in a curtain of black and blonde hair.
“Bill?” Georg asked. Bill’s hand suddenly clenched around the bag of bears, trapping them in his long fingers.
“Do you know how long I have been saving these?” Bill whispered, his voice a deadly hiss. Georg gulped once more. “How LONG I’ve been telling my self not to eat them? And now I CAN’T.”
Georg started to back up, but Bill matched him step for step, his face still hidden. Georg’s foot caught on a shoe, nearly toppling him. He shot a HELP ME look at Tom and Gustav, who were sitting at the table, watching Bill advance. Tom shook his head while Gustav just laughed. Georg looked back at Bill, who had stopped walking. Bill was just standing, staring at the bag in his fist. He raised his head slowly, catching Georg in the eyes with the most hostile glare the bassist had ever encountered. Bill pulled his leg behind him, slipping his shoe off.
“You bastard.” Bill whispered, lobbing the shoe at Georg. He yelped and ducked, but it was a futile attempt at safety as the shoe bounced off a cabinet and hit him in the shoulder anyway.
“DIE!” Bill screamed, launching himself at Georg. A shout tore out of Georg’s throat as Bill’s wiry body sent them both to the floor. Bill’s small fists made contact with Georg’s chest over and over, Georg’s arms doing nothing to stop the blows. Georg breathed sigh of relief when Bill’s body was lifted off of his. He propped himself up on his elbows. Tom and Gustav had pulled Bill from on top of Georg, and Tom was now murmuring into Bill’s ear, hopefully calming him down. Bill was still glaring at Georg, but it wasn’t an I’m going to kill you glare, it was an I can’t believe you did that to me glare. Georg pulled himself onto his feet and walked towards Bill before getting a look from Tom that made him turn around and walk back to his bunk.
Georg had been reading in his bunk for the last hour, listening first to the sounds of Tom calming down his brother, and then the singer storm into his bunk.
Georg sighed and closed his book, pulling a small package out of the bag next to him. He climbed out of his bunk, rattling the package in his hand. He walked out into the main part of the bus, seeing Tom still at the table.
“Hey.” Georg said. Tom looked up. He pulled out his headphones and scooted over, making room for the bassist to sit down next to him. Georg groaned and put his head on his crossed arms.
“You gonna apologize?” Tom said. Georg grunted. “Dude, those were from our mom from the last time we were home. He was saving those for AGES.”
Georg groaned in defeat. He lifted his head, staring at Tom through his brown hair. He flung the package onto the table. Tom picked it up, rattling the orange box.
“What is it?” Tom asked, eyeing the box.
“Bill’s birthday present.” Georg said. Tom looked at Georg with a Whaaaaaat? look. “I’m giving it to him early to see if it would help redeem me in his eyes.”
Tom nodded, handing the box back to Georg.
“Well go. I’m sick of him moping.” Tom said, pushing Georg out of the cramped table.
The bassist tumbled to the floor, the box flying from Tom’s hand to hit Georg in the head. Georg stood up and glared at the older Kaulitz twin, but the only response he got was a thumb jerked at the back of the bus.
Georg huffed and stalked off in the direction of the bunks, getting an amused look
from Gustav, who was sitting in front of the TV playing Playstation.
“A word and I kill you.” Georg said.
Gustav half-smiled and returned to his game. Georg kept walking towards the bunks, clutching the orange box. He saw Bill’s foot sticking out of his bunk and his confidence took a little teeny dip.
Dude, it’s Bill, shut up.
“Hey, Bill?” Georg said outside Bill’s bunk.
The curtain was ripped open, and Bill’s face glared out at him, mascara dripped down his cheeks from apparent sobs. Georg was taken aback by said mascara tracks; he hadn’t expected Bill to react so badly.
“What?” Bill snapped.
“I thought since I was such an ass, eating all your gummi bears and all, that I might give you your birthday present early.” Georg said. “Y’know, to apologize. holding up the box.
Confusion descended over Bill’s face, replacing the I gonna kill somebody look out look. His long hand whipped out and grabbed the box from Georg, startling him a little. Bill went to work on opening the box, long fingers pulling off the black ribbon. If his eyebrows had gotten any closer together, he wasn’t going to have two anymore. He pulled off the lid of the box, his eyes widening. He pulled out a bracelet made of silver links that looked like gummi bears, with diamonds for eyes. He looked from the bracelet to Georg and back a few times, blinking. Georg rubbed the back of his neck, still slightly nervous.
“Do you like it?” Georg asked quietly. Bill nodded.
“Help me put it on?” he stuck out one thin wrist, smiling shyly. Georg grinned. He took the bracelet in his big bassist fingers, wrapping it around Bill’s wrist. He closed the clasp, spinning the bears around so Bill could see every one. Bill’s eyes were twinkling like a kid in a candy store, the diamonds on the bears reflecting in his big brown eyes. He looked up at Georg, a sheepish look on his face.
“I’m sorry I exploded at you Georg.” Bill said. He flushed and looked up at Georg through mascara-covered lashes, fiddling with the bears on the bracelet. He stretched out his neck, softly kissing Georg on the lips, just once. It was soft and warm, and when Bill pulled back his eyelids were heavy, sleepy looking. Georg blinked, feeling a blush creep up his own face. Bill grinned and pulled the curtain closed, leaving Georg to his thoughts. Georg blikned, then laughed, glad he had stolen Bill’s bears.
Das Ende
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