Insanity Awaits

Sep 28, 2008 21:14

They aren't that good (school is eating all my mental activity, so I've been short on ideas), but have fun anyway:

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powerglide, frenzy, blurr, g1, ultra magnus, wreck-gar, laserbeak, springer, perceptor, tracks, astoria, rumble, soundwave, megatron, thundercracker, ravage, skywarp, animated, raoul

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Comments 24

kirin_saga September 29 2008, 07:52:30 UTC
7. Perceptor realises he preferred being in the agile Nijika body, rather than his own bulky form, and begins making a new body for himself.

*LOVES* A new Femme body? *wants to see*

8. One of the humans makes a connection - the Transformers drink energon and also bleed it. Therefore they must be vampires.

Makes sense to me. *thinks* You know the vampire culture? You think they may want to speak to the Autobots and/or Decepticons?

10. A drunken Megatron (or any other Decepticon, if you prefer) proposes to a very confused Autobot.

Megatron: *drunk* "Will you marry me?"
Perceptor: *confused* "Uh..."
Grimlock: *picks Perceptor up* *glares at Megatron* "You go away or me Grimlock step on you."

Megatron: *drunk* "Will you marry me?"
Blaster: *confused* "I..."
Rewind: "No he won't." *tries to drag Blaster to safety*

Megatron: *drunk* "Will you marry me?"
Red Alert: *confused* "What..."
Inferno: *grabs Red Alert* "MINE!"

Megatron: *sulks* "Next time, I need to get them alone."

11. The morning after number 10.Megatron: *wakes up with ( ... )


ksiezniczka11 September 29 2008, 15:53:48 UTC
*LOVES* A new Femme body? *wants to see*
I'm extremely curious to what everyone's reactions would be. I only thought of one...
Prowl: Perceptor you need to sign thi- what are you doing?
Perceptor: Oh, well, I-
Prowl: Forget it. I don't want to know.

Makes sense to me. *thinks* You know the vampire culture? You think they may want to speak to the Autobots and/or Decepticons?
What do you mean by "vampire culture"?

Megatron: *drunk* "Will you marry me?"
Perceptor: *confused* "Uh..."
Grimlock: *picks Perceptor up* *glares at Megatron* "You go away or me Grimlock step on you."
Haha! Protective Grimlock is adorable!

Megatron: *drunk* "Will you marry me?"
Blaster: *confused* "I..."
Rewind: "No he won't." *tries to drag Blaster to safety*
But how would Soundwave react?!

Megatron: *drunk* "Will you marry me?"
Red Alert: *confused* "What..."
Inferno: *grabs Red Alert* "MINE!"
Hm. Red Alert would probably think it's a conspiracy of sorts, or something.

Megatron: *wakes up with a headache* "What did I do last night ( ... )


mimi_sardinia September 29 2008, 12:24:18 UTC
10. A drunken Megatron (or any other Decepticon, if you prefer) proposes to a very confused Autobot.

I have this image of Megatron trying to cop onto Ultra Magnus, while Magnus is hiding behind Optimus (or more to the point, is trying to keep Optimus between him and a drunkly amorous Megatron), while Optimus is both confused and amused at the situation. Extra comedy when he changes tack and starts hitting on Optimus, much to Magnus's horror and jealous possessiveness.

13. What are the Cybertronian equivalents of our really kinky fetishes?

Tell me which fetishes and I night be able to come up equivalents.

15. ?? (to Springer): "You always loved her, didn't you? Even when you were with me, it was her face you were picturing, and now that Hot Rod is out of the picture, I'm nothing, aren't I?"

I take it "her" is Arcee.

Maybe it's this comm getting to me, but I can't help think it's Perceptor talking. You know you've been here too long when you automatically jump to Springer/Perceptor as a conclusion.

18. I don't remember the ( ... )


ksiezniczka11 September 29 2008, 15:58:07 UTC
I take it you're a Magnus fan? ^_^

I have this image of Megatron trying to cop onto Ultra Magnus, while Magnus is hiding behind Optimus (or more to the point, is trying to keep Optimus between him and a drunkly amorous Megatron), while Optimus is both confused and amused at the situation. Extra comedy when he changes tack and starts hitting on Optimus, much to Magnus's horror and jealous possessiveness.
Teehee. Poor Autobots. Does Megatron even care which one he gets?

Tell me which fetishes and I night be able to come up equivalents.
Voyeurism (probably doesn't even need to be changed). Paedophilia. Urophilia. Bondage. Whipped cream. Fishnets and stilettos. Uh... I don't know many off the top of my head, and I don't think school is the best place to look 'em up...

I take it "her" is Arcee.

Maybe it's this comm getting to me, but I can't help think it's Perceptor talking. You know you've been here too long when you automatically jump to Springer/Perceptor as a conclusion. Wanna know a secret ( ... )


mimi_sardinia September 29 2008, 16:21:13 UTC
I take it you're a Magnus fan? ^_^

Nawwww! Is it that obvious? XD

Teehee. Poor Autobots. Does Megatron even care which one he gets?

If he's drunk enough to hit on the first and second in command of the Autobots, I really doubt it. :)

Voyeurism (probably doesn't even need to be changed). Paedophilia. Urophilia. Bondage. Whipped cream. Fishnets and stilettos. Uh... I don't know many off the top of my head, and I don't think school is the best place to look 'em up...Voyeurism doesn't need a change. Paedophilia... depends on how you take Cybertronian development - I mean if you go with an idea of sparklinghood that is equivalent to childhood in human development that's easy, but if you take the tack that they get sparked with an adult mentality... well that's a little more tricky. It'd probably come down to an issue of whether they are mentally ready for interfacing or not ( ... )


ksiezniczka11 September 29 2008, 17:14:27 UTC
Nawwww! Is it that obvious? XD
What? No, not in the slightest! xD

If he's drunk enough to hit on the first and second in command of the Autobots, I really doubt it. :)
Megatron is such a funny drunk. I'd party with him.

Paedophilia... depends on how you take Cybertronian development - I mean if you go with an idea of sparklinghood that is equivalent to childhood in human development that's easy, but if you take the tack that they get sparked with an adult mentality... well that's a little more tricky. It'd probably come down to an issue of whether they are mentally ready for interfacing or not.
Hm. I dunno, that's kinda tricky. I always kinda figured the minibots and cassettes to be younger due to their size, but then, I'm kinda a weirdo. (And it makes about half my OTPs paedophilic in nature. I dunno if I should be entertained or offended by what I just did to myself there.)

Urophilia... again, it depends on how you imagine Cybertronians work. Do they have systems for ejecting waste materials? I have read at least one ( ... )


casora_tigerkin September 29 2008, 20:01:12 UTC
8. One of the humans makes a connection - the Transformers drink energon and also bleed it. Therefore they must be vampires.

Soylent Purple by Misya.
TFA drabble. Focused on Bumblebee and Sari. Makes more sense if you've seen 'Along Came A Spider'. Giant alien robots are pretty friggin weird.
Link ~


ksiezniczka11 September 29 2008, 22:18:52 UTC
O_O I have NEVER seen that fic before. Haha. Oh, man, the psychic activity in this fandom is epic. AND their title is a ref to one of my most beloved movies, so double the winnage!

Thanks for the link!


ink_in_hand October 1 2008, 00:48:25 UTC
18. I don't remember the episode, but Ravage actually CAN speak - he just chooses not to. Why do you suppose this is?

It's a fact that people who don't (or can't) speak are all too often underestimated. So while the Autobots know that he is a dangerous adversary, the fact that he doesn't talk dampens that knowledge enough to give him an edge. So maybe it ties in with his profession?

That and there is a hell of a lot of amusement to be gained when you let people make their own assumptions.


ksiezniczka11 October 1 2008, 01:12:59 UTC
It's a fact that people who don't (or can't) speak are all too often underestimated. So while the Autobots know that he is a dangerous adversary, the fact that he doesn't talk dampens that knowledge enough to give him an edge. So maybe it ties in with his profession?
That's true, and it makes a hell of a lot of sense, actually. But it only answers why he doesn't speak around the Autobots... unless he wants the other Decepticons to underestimate him as well?

That and there is a hell of a lot of amusement to be gained when you let people make their own assumptions.
That is also true! XD


alabaster_demon October 2 2008, 03:25:48 UTC
(school is eating all my mental activity, so I've been short on ideas)

I sympathize completely. *wince*

1. An advanced (more so than the TFs) alien race diagnoses Blurr's speed as a glitch...

And if he isn't useful to his superiors, he may well become an outcast anyway... I imagine that this is a one-time offer for Blurr (perhaps the aliens are just passing through the galactic area and he'll probably never see them again). I'm not sure I've ever seen a fic that seriously looks into Blurr's perspective. This kind of makes me want to see Decepticon!Blurr now: he wouldn't have to worry about being annoying to others, because A) most of the Decepticons are/can be even more annoying; B) as a 'Con he wouldn't care if he was bothering someone else or not; and C) as long as he was useful and not rebellious, he wouldn't need to worry about getting kicked out.

Laserbeak is tired of being a cassette and asks Soundwave to upgrade her...I guess the one mech being Soundwave is supported by the fact that he made her body gorgeous in the first ( ... )


ksiezniczka11 October 2 2008, 04:01:04 UTC
nd if he isn't useful to his superiors, he may well become an outcast anyway... I imagine that this is a one-time offer for Blurr (perhaps the aliens are just passing through the galactic area and he'll probably never see them again). I'm not sure I've ever seen a fic that seriously looks into Blurr's perspective. This kind of makes me want to see Decepticon!Blurr now: he wouldn't have to worry about being annoying to others, because A) most of the Decepticons are/can be even more annoying; B) as a 'Con he wouldn't care if he was bothering someone else or not; and C) as long as he was useful and not rebellious, he wouldn't need to worry about getting kicked out ( ... )


ksiezniczka11 October 2 2008, 04:19:49 UTC
Wow, dunno what happened with that last reply, there... sorry about that; my connection's all wonky right now. Onto the actual replying part...

And if he isn't useful to his superiors, he may well become an outcast anyway... I imagine that this is a one-time offer for Blurr (perhaps the aliens are just passing through the galactic area and he'll probably never see them again).
That was the general idea, yes. Poor Blurr.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a fic that seriously looks into Blurr's perspective.
Me either, but I'd really like to. (Thus why I put stuff like this forth)

This kind of makes me want to see Decepticon!Blurr now: he wouldn't have to worry about being annoying to others, because A) most of the Decepticons are/can be even more annoying; B) as a 'Con he wouldn't care if he was bothering someone else or not; and C) as long as he was useful and not rebellious, he wouldn't need to worry about getting kicked out.Ooh, so, so true. But he is too eager to do good. Though maybe that's why the Shattered Glass version of him ( ... )


alabaster_demon October 2 2008, 20:50:30 UTC
Though maybe that's why the Shattered Glass version of him works so well.

So you don't think that Shattered Glass Blurr would be slow? I suppose there could be two (or more) mirror-verses: one where the factions/motivations are switched, and one where each individual person's characteristics are reversed. For example, (to use a kirin_saga-type model), a universe with an evil Perceptor and a universe with a stupid, blind Perceptor.

Whaaaaa...!? How so? I'm intrigued!

Well, maybe Tracks & Powerglide were already good friends or even more before they met Raoul and Astoria. Then the two humans would kind of have to accept the situation the way it is.
Or Tracks and Powerglide could get to know each other while trying to mediate between their human friends.
Or Raoul and Astoria could really be moving toward a love/hate kind of relationship, and confuse the poor 'Bots tremendously. "But just yesterday you said you HATED him! Now you're dating him? How does that even work ( ... )


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