
May 22, 2011 22:58

1) Red Alert is the wicked witch of the east, Optimus is the good witch of the North, Prowl and Jazz are munchkins, Cliffjumper is Toto and Inferno swears these ruby slippers aren’t his! (Set in G1)

2) Hotshot saves Wheeljack from execution… much to the Ex-Autobot’s fury (Set between Armada and Energon)

3) When Inferno is branded with the ( Read more... )

optimus prime, bluestreak, cliffjumper, red alert, prowl, wheeljack, smokescreen, energon, ultra magnus, g1, 2007 movie, animated, inferno, hot shot

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Comments 10

jarakrisafis May 31 2011, 14:07:06 UTC
Quick drabble for no. 8 here


oomm_backin5 January 17 2012, 18:04:32 UTC
I held out longer than I thought after reading bunnies 1 and 7.... a whole 2 hours...

Here, have a crack fic.

The Wizard of Odd.


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