Silly little bunnies

Sep 29, 2010 01:41

Trix are for kids ( Read more... )

bluestreak, jetfire, skyfire, blaster, seekers

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Comments 4

anonymous September 29 2010, 11:58:49 UTC
You know, I actually know of a story where the author kind of used #4. In there, they were twins. Of course, they still referenced Jetfire as being dead, and it wasn't referred to until somewhere in the last 20 chapters.



darkdanc3r August 13 2011, 00:19:22 UTC
The story you're thinking of is L.Mouse's Masks.

the chapter in question is here: Chapter 91


thecrazyalaskan September 30 2010, 07:23:49 UTC
Bunny #1 is giving me the big ol' wibbly eyes. It's too sweet to pass up...! *steals*


zora_chibi October 1 2010, 05:58:13 UTC
go go go


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