Title: Living Room Space
Chapter 1: Machine Language
Author: Terracotta Bones
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: EdWinry
Spoilers: end of the series, end of the movie
Disclaimer: It wouldn't be fanfiction otherwise.
Summary: She would let him sleep on her couch, if he came. She would breathe easier, if he were sleeping on her couch.
Author's Note: I started writing
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Comments 21
By the way, you may want to disable f-lock on this post so that the links back to it work properly. ^_^
Whew. Okay. Well, I've fixed it now so that's over and done with.
I hate ending sentences with prepositions. Blah.
Aaaanyway...on to that very nice concrit. ^__^
The song, "Konstantine," is so unbelievably depressing - and of course I'm a slave to angst. Unfortunately, Winry's the one who has to be depressed, not me. Poor girl. :P I remember as I was writing ch. 3, I looked back on ch. 1 and noticed the not-spelled-out thing, so I tried to keep that going.
Oh yes! I just remembered. About Fire and Ice - do you need any help? (*thinking about recent comm activity*) As you may know I am a flop with deadlines, but since it's summer now I would be glad to help (without too much fear of floppiness)!
Anyway, thanks again for the review! (Long post!)
I also now have prompts to write with. Yay!
THIS. Oh, yes, this. You already know how I feel about this story but I'll reiterate -
*bright eyes*
There is more coming? Yes? /hopeful
(And, fortunately, having a whole year to write has given me quite a lot to post. Yay!)
P.S. Did you see what I did to my journal? *isproud* I spent a few hours fixing everything up cuz I knew I'd be sending comms over to read the story...and I had to have a pretty journal for the occasion.
Anyway, thankyou. (Perhaps I'll stick to vegetables for a while. Fish = mercury.)
I adore this take on Winry -- it's so different, but it still somehow fits. And your writing itself is lovely. ♥
I hope you'll write more. ^_^;
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