Wah, I think I'll try to be on over Winter Break. I miss all the crazy squeeing. :( But ee, good to hear your little boy's doing well. How old is he now?
Hey! How come I've never heard of this NaNoWriMo thing?? I just researched it and it sounds like fun... a lot of stress... a sort of stressful like fun. I think it's amazing that you got 25,000ish words in one month. O.o And here I was, thinking I was so successful with my 36,000-word novella I wrote last year for an independent study. :/
We want to go rock climbing over winter break sometime... you should totally come. :)
It was easier than I thought it would be! I'm usually an incredibly slow writer, but once you say screw it, toss quality out the window, and really sit down to make sure you're doing a good amount each day, it's not so bad.
Ooh, rock climbing sounds terrific- is there a facility you go to, or is it outdoors on real rocks? I'd love to come either way. :X
I really want to try this NaNoWriMo thing next year. Sounds like fun :)
There's a place we went to about an hour away. Rockville ... it's in Hamilton, NJ. A bunch of us have a free day pass from when we went over the summer. Dunno what day we'd go but I'll get back to you when he figure all that stuff out.
Comments 20
Little one's sprouting like a weed? :D;
A crazy squeefest would be awesome. BRAINLESS needs to ride again. *_*
We want to go rock climbing over winter break sometime... you should totally come. :)
Ooh, rock climbing sounds terrific- is there a facility you go to, or is it outdoors on real rocks? I'd love to come either way. :X
There's a place we went to about an hour away. Rockville ... it's in Hamilton, NJ. A bunch of us have a free day pass from when we went over the summer. Dunno what day we'd go but I'll get back to you when he figure all that stuff out.
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