
Jan 31, 2013 10:56

Obviously, the most important things I should be wishing for for Mali are peace and stability, but nevertheless it's a huge relief to find out that the medieval manuscripts of Timbuktu most likely weren't destroyed in the conflict I'd been hearing ( Read more... )

historically constructed dammit!, how gritty i really was, the best sandbox ever

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Comments 3

beix_brittany January 31 2013, 20:54:53 UTC
what Africans should or shouldn't do with their history?It was not Africans but terrorist groups who wanted to destroy that part of the African written history ( ... )


tarimanveri February 1 2013, 00:18:22 UTC
I haven't been able to follow the situation in Mali closely (which is terrible of me, but I haven't had time), so based on what I had gathered I was thinking it was homegrown Islamists involved, not international terrorist groups. That's definitely different, and I don't think they should have the right to destroy the records of the past. But as you can probably tell from this post, the question of who does have the right to destroy historical records or lay claim to the past in other ways is a philosophical question I really struggle with...


beix_brittany February 1 2013, 22:43:42 UTC
It's obvious that these operating terrorist groups had grown out of the libyan ruins especially its huge and, from now on, uncontrolled arsenal of weapons ( ... )


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