
May 01, 2011 13:55

I would like you all to know that now that my vote is making its way to Ottawa and there's nothing more I can do about the election, I have imposed a sanity- and paper-writing-mandated Canadian news media blackout upon myself, and it's making me horrifically antsy. Even though there probably aren't any more polls before the election either ( Read more... )

how gritty i really was, not this crude matter, paperspam

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Comments 1

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tarimanveri May 2 2011, 02:35:43 UTC
Yes, I'm keeping an eye on it. Running definitely helps, as does eating smaller-than-normal quantities of food, and making sure that when I eat, it's healthy (hence not living off burritos, although I'm sure I could do worse than that if it came down to it). I've also drastically reduced my caffeine consumption to deal with my sudden descent into insomnia, so I'm sure that will help too, once I get over feeling awful from the caffeine withdrawal.


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