
May 06, 2010 22:52

Currently watching the UK election results evolve on bbc.co.uk's election tracker and baking ginger cookies (molasses cookies to the United Statesians), for tomorrow's end-of-semester history department potluck. Given the slackertastic glory of my year, aside from writing fellowship applications, not to mention the slackertastic glory of my day, I ( Read more... )

crypto-canadians, how gritty i really was, eat right through the menu

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Comments 3

primroseburrows May 7 2010, 02:56:42 UTC
And if as goes Canada, so goes the UK, does this mean that it's all a horrifying slide into Harper getting a Conservative majority next time?

Dear gods, I hope not. Maybe he'll say something entirely inappropriate while still on mic and lose his credibility?


tarimanveri May 9 2010, 01:53:37 UTC
Well, I hope so, or that his government will pay for turning Afghani prisoners over to be tortured. But I doubt it will happen anytime soon. Even if his government fell, I think the Conservatives would win again with at least a minority - people are just not inspired by Michael Ignatieff.

Alas. I miss my nerdy French Canadian imaginary boyfriend Stéphane Dion.


primroseburrows May 9 2010, 02:06:42 UTC
Yeah, I can't imagine that something won't be done about the prisoners. Oh, wait, this is politics, I take it back. :/

Didn't Michael Ignatieff spend like most of his life in the US? He reminds me waaay too much of John Kerry, actually. I mean, yeah, I voted for Kerry, but only because he wasn't George Bush.

I love Stéphane Dion, despite my whole I'd-be-NDP-if-I-were-Canadian thing. He was real, which is something not often seen in politics anywhere. I want to bake him cookies and give his dog treats.


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