Stamped as Rapunzel // Matchmaker theme

Feb 18, 2011 14:25


Name: Paige.
Age: 16.
Previously stamped as: Rapunzel (regular), When Will My Life Begin (reprise one) (songs).

Your positive traits:  Kind, caring, optimistic, intelligent, imaginative, creative, helpful
Your negative traits: Stubborn, worrisome, anxious, insecure, impulsive, procrastinator.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, drawing, painting, photography, clothing design, etc etc.
Write a paragraph describing yourself: I'm a shy and sensitive kind of person with a kind heart and a constant need to know things, who often gets referred to as "adorable". I let my imagination run wild and I tend to usually follow my heart instead of my mind, leading me to do impulsive things. I'm insecure, I've never actually had self esteem, and I'm pessimistic when it comes to myself but optimistic when it comes to everything else. It really depends on my mood. Actually, my whole personality tends to depend on my mood and who I'm with.

What are some traits that are ideal for the perfect person?: Generally kind, caring, great sense of humor, usually non-judgmental, accepting.
What are some traits that are an instant rejection in a person?: Unkind, judgmental, egotistic, humorless.
Do you tend to fall for the tall, dark, mysterious and attractive, or the light-hearted, cheerful and sometimes silly people? Or maybe a little in between?: Usually a little in between.
Do you believe opposites attract or those with many things in common?: I believe that opposites may attract, but personally for me to like someone I have to have many things in common with them.
Do you believe in your man doing things for you or do you like to do things yourself?: It depends really. I mean, it's nice to have things done for me but I don't mind doing them myself.
Are looks, power, and money important to you?: No.

THIS OR THAT (in your ideal partner)
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Silly or Serious: Silly.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Realistic or Idealistic: A bit of both.
Selfless or Selfish: I've been told I'm selfless.
Leader or Follower: Neither really.

Do you mind getting stamped with a female?: Not at all.
Which one character do you think would be an awful match for you?: Maximus.
Anything else?: Thanks for voting!



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