Title: THE MEMORY OF TEARS Characters: Jack, Ianto, Lisa Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa Rating: PG for implied violence and death Spoilers: Major for CyberwomenDisclaimer: Not mine; they belong to the BBC
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New story! I absolutely loved this! Everything is so detailed that you can get a clear image of what is happening in the story. I love how you show Jack discovering exactly what Ianto was going through and beginning to get a better understanding of exactly what happened and what Ianto was thinking. I also loved the look into the mind of Lisa Hallet in the end and the moment of her final "death" where she lost what was left of her humanity. Beautifully written as always.
Inside my own head Lisa was a seriously conflicted person by the time we got to Cyberwoman. I don't think she 'died' at Canary Wharf but I do think she was dead by the end. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
'Inside my own head Lisa was a seriously conflicted person by the time we got to Cyberwoman. I don't think she 'died' at Canary Wharf but I do think she was dead by the end.' Me too. I've always thought that the reason she wanted to convert Ianto was because part of her was still human and she really did want them to be together.
I loved Lisa's perspective in this. That's exactly how I imagined it to be - periods where she was aware and Lisa, and blank spots where she had no idea what was happening.
Comments 20
Me too. I've always thought that the reason she wanted to convert Ianto was because part of her was still human and she really did want them to be together.
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