*stares at you in mute horror*

Mar 01, 2011 12:54


Part 1.


Part 2.

I have done many things. These include:

Going to the Book of the Dead Exhibition at the British Museum ( Read more... )

cows and associated behaviour, life exists beyond london, shokushu for you, life's blood, it all seemed like such a good idea

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Comments 23

davidbrider March 1 2011, 13:12:01 UTC
It was crowded and hot, but interesting.

Yeah, it was pretty darned crowded when we went too. I think they may have overestimated how many people would fit into the exhibition space. But very interesting.

Someone else in the audience was a Clameron shipper who I wish I'd had the chance to talk to.

Possibly Rachael (who "accidentally" wrote the first Clegg/Cameron fic)? I don't think she's active on LJ any more, but she's on twitter and Dreamwidth, with the username rhaegal on both.



takadainmate March 1 2011, 13:18:40 UTC
For the BM exhibition, this is the third i've been to and they've all been that bad. Just too many damn people!

I think it was her, yes. Shame she's not much on LJ now. And all Clameron fic is written "accidently", of course!


loki_dip March 1 2011, 13:33:30 UTC
Part 1. Who needs food? ;p

It certainly was long! I liked the Book of the Dead but I do prefer the Egyptian mummies. And my favourite exhibit is the drugs one in the room next to the side entrance. The fact I can identify most of the drugs is slightly worrying.

zoeiona's dress was gorgeous. I maintain that it was a dress that Morgana would have been proud to wear.

Rope bondage for writers -
There should be fic for this. Possibly where Peter learns some tricks to keep Neal out of trouble and then obviously has to practise. With El too. :)

I would definitely go to another fan-oriented event.
Fantastic. Wait for connotations. It's known to be a mite bit clique-y (I'm not convinced but then I am terrified of talking to people I don't know when sober so I wouldn't notive the difference). Either way, burkesl17 is interested and thus my new plan is to take my own clique this year. *g*

And possibly relevant to your interests: yesterday at comment_fic the prompt was 'characters over 50'


takadainmate March 1 2011, 13:53:58 UTC
I never did like the mummies. They are creepy and I don't think it's respectful to put dead bodies on display. But that's just me.

I think El would be interested in taking such a class, and then coming home to practice on her two boys. XD

You've been to that one before, then? Clique-yness does not sound fun though. :(

Also, I thank you for that link. I am always looking out for more oldman!porn opportunities. I think I scared some of the guys at Redemption by telling them about how I liked to slash old men. XD


loki_dip March 1 2011, 14:08:25 UTC
I've seen too many dead bodies that are much fresher than those to find them creepy, but I see your point.

Yup. :) I can see it happening. She is the boss!

I have a couple of times. It doesn't seem clique-y to me. Mostly that people know each other. People say Redemption is clique-y too, but it didn't seem much like it to me.

Hehe, traumatise them for life. Did you mention that you like to slash old men with tentacle monsters too?


takadainmate March 1 2011, 14:15:11 UTC
Everyone certainly knew everyone else at Redemption, but people were also very open to talking to us and saying hello. I found it very friendly. If it's like that then that's cool.

I did indeed mentions tentacles! I think most of them went away very confused.


pixiequeen10thk March 1 2011, 14:38:24 UTC
I met my first slashers at one of those fan-oriented events. I also came out to Phil as a slasher, poor man. I would have loved to have been there for the anti-slashers. I assume much fun was had with that.


takadainmate March 1 2011, 15:08:07 UTC
He secretly enjoys it, or else he wouldnt have us lot back again and again!

Well, it was fascinating watching the anti-slash man's face of disbelief and disgust as we discussed rps. XD


pixiequeen10thk March 1 2011, 15:55:03 UTC
Lol, I'm sure he does.

You know what really needs to be done. Anti-slash man RPS! Question is, who would you pair him with?


takadainmate March 1 2011, 16:01:58 UTC
I'm not quite sure why but my automatic response was Gordon Brown...


gwaevalarin March 1 2011, 16:03:36 UTC
Food is overrated, especially if the alternative is Misha and Sebastian.


takadainmate March 1 2011, 16:10:13 UTC
Heh. I was getting worried that all my friends were far too sensible, telling me to buy food instead of doing more fun things.

I am pretty much decided that if Sebastian is announced I will go.


multiclassgeek March 1 2011, 16:20:48 UTC
I seem to recall our little Lee humping a Dalek's eyestalk at one point, too! If you come to Red 13, I think we may have to try and spawn his bigger brother, via the wonders of Chaos Costuming...

Glad you had fun! The friendliness, programming and relaxed atmosphere are just some of the things I love about these fan-run events.

And, yes, Zoë was rather gorgeous, wasn't she? ;)


takadainmate March 1 2011, 21:14:30 UTC
He did indeed. There are photos somewhere. I don't know how Lee would feel about being spawned. XD

She was indeed! It was a fantastic day and congratulations to you both again!


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