"They May Or May Not Be Underage"

Nov 13, 2008 21:18

I need some sleep. I need sleep so desperately I want to cry. Or laugh. Or write fic. Which is now Default Setting.

I blame it all on the World Travel Market, which has eaten my brain for the past four days. It is large and big and full of people.

In fact, it looks a lot like this. )

epicness, it all seemed like such a good idea, working goes here

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Comments 12

j_apollo November 13 2008, 22:03:20 UTC
Firstly do you know if there are going to be strippers yet?

Secondly where is this epic Merlin fic that you have been promising?

And thirdly some news you might enjoy. I am supposed to go drinking with people from work tomorrow. Some sort of leaving party thing where we are all supposed to drink too much. I'm guessing its supposed to be fun, right? :D


takadainmate November 14 2008, 08:21:30 UTC
My brother's fiance has been threatening, but knowing him, he'll probably be the one stripping. *hay plastic!boys at the ready*

So the epic fic or epic became super-epic and I ran out of steam. So in order to rejuvinate the epic fic I started another fic and it is also becoming epic. It is drunken boy pr0n. I really hope to finish them both next week but this week has been the death of me, and i'm sure this weekend will kill me too. So. Soon!

It is fun! Just don't mix your drinks and have lots of water/tea and you'll be fine! I hope you have a hangover!


j_apollo November 14 2008, 08:45:35 UTC
I was bored last night and used that writeordie thing and wrote almost a 1000 words. In Morganna's point of view as well which had me very confused. That is why I should never be allowed to be bored :D


takadainmate November 14 2008, 09:26:14 UTC
I like to use the Kamikaze mode. Fear of losing words is a very strong motivator.

Mmm. Morgana. I hope she was lusting after Gwen...


incandescens November 13 2008, 22:35:11 UTC
Now I'm imagining Eighth Division's stand at the Gotei 13 Recruiting Fair.


takadainmate November 14 2008, 08:22:02 UTC
There would be sake like we had. Everyone would want to join!


incandescens November 14 2008, 13:23:28 UTC
including me


cienna November 16 2008, 14:06:16 UTC
OMG, new ep was epically gay and you must watch ASAP. And I know you will love it since there was more Gaius/Uther than there has ever been before! Even I was convinced. And I finally stopped being lazy and made the pimping post!!

Also, I may have possibly gotten teary four or five times during the ep. I think I am way too emotionally invested in this show for my own good. And I'm sure that you are somehow to blame!

Hope your weekend wasn't too traumatizing!


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