Profile of the Dead 1/?

Aug 02, 2010 17:09

Title: Profile of the Dead 1/?
Author: tafidadarling
Fandom: Criminal Minds which belongs to CBS.
Pairing(s): Morgan/Reid
Rating: FRM
Summary: It was 25 October 2021. The first zombie outbreak was exactly two years ago today. An AU set in the future after zombies have plagued the world. Two strangers are making their way across the country which is ( Read more... )

category: slash, au, author: tafidadarling, pairing: morgan/reid, rating: frm

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Comments 18

maldeluxx August 2 2010, 21:40:23 UTC
This looks really promising... :) I really like it.


tafidadarling August 2 2010, 21:57:18 UTC
Thank you.


rhiannon_flying August 2 2010, 21:59:49 UTC
Brilliant. I love your characterization of Reid, slightly more confident than I'm used to seeing him. There should totally be more CMZombie!fic.

Which book are you reading? I just finished World War Z and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and I'm halfway through The Zombie Survival Guide, and kinda looking for more material.


tafidadarling August 2 2010, 22:04:08 UTC
Thank you! I figured since this happened when he was young, that he would develop a need to act more confident when around others to make up for his age. It's my sneaky way of having confident!Reid which I love. :D

I'm reading Feed. It's also set in the future and after the initial outbreak. It follows journalists who are on the campaign trail. Zombies and journalism? I was hooked from page one.

Oh, I love Max Brooks and Pride was just such a brillant idea. Not zombie books, but if you love Pride you should check out the other Quirk Classics. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters is hilarious.

Another zombie novel that's good is Breathers. It's about zombies who go to a Zombies Anonymous type program after being reanimated. :D


rhiannon_flying August 2 2010, 22:18:46 UTC
Feed and Breathers. I'll grab those next time I'm at Barnes and Noble. Thanks for the recs.

I loved Pride. It was so much better than the original. {IMO, it was like reading the society column of an old fashioned newspaper}

I've got Sea Monsters, and I'm working on it, maybe a third of the way through? Dunno, I'm not in love with it yet.


tafidadarling August 2 2010, 22:20:45 UTC
You're quite welcome. :)

I actually do love the original Pride. I'm not huge on most classics, but Elizabeth is one of the more stronger female characters in classic literature. Though, obviously, way better with zombies. :P

Wait until the giant lobsters. Trust me. :D


gothabilly13 August 2 2010, 22:43:49 UTC
Hee! I love it so far! Cannot wait for more.


tafidadarling August 2 2010, 22:48:52 UTC
Thank you.


rowena_dawson August 2 2010, 23:17:18 UTC
Oooo, zombies and Criminal Minds...and Morgan/Reid!!!

This is looking like the start of something awesome!


tafidadarling August 3 2010, 00:16:43 UTC
I hope it turns out awesome. :3

Zombies and Criminal Minds are my new PB&J.


cyristal_artist August 3 2010, 16:08:16 UTC
Seems like the start of a really cool story- I'm already looking forward to when you update next. :)


tafidadarling August 3 2010, 16:39:25 UTC
Thank you.

I'm trying to do a chapter a day since I managed to churn out three in one sitting. We'll see, though. :P


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