Illustrations for "This Dark Road Will Lead Us Where We Want to Be."

Aug 17, 2010 21:10

"In His Hands"

"Right." Arthur pushed his interest aside, making a mental note to try and learn more later, and took hold of Merlin's wrist with extreme care, turning it back and forth very slowly as he attempted to see if anything looked or felt better after the spell. "How does it feel?"

Merlin still squirmed somewhat with each twist, but he was no longer screaming in pain, so Arthur assumed that must've been a positive sign. "It's not gone entirely, but it's taken away most of the pain. It should heal completely within a couple of days."

"The Kiss"

Arthur's lips parted, welcoming the warm heat of Merlin’s mouth, and the kiss quickly deepened into something more intense, more raw. They explored and tasted one another, greedy and aroused as their tongues chased and fought each other. Arthur’s hand cupping Merlin’s face moved to wrap around his waist instead, fingers pressing into his side as Arthur held him in place. Arthur’s other hand strayed to the bottom of Merlin’s tunic, pushing the fabric up until he found skin. Mindful of the tree behind Merlin, Arthur’s hand moved up his spine, mapping the knobs of each bone, the stretch of muscle beneath his fingers. Merlin’s hands knotted in his hair as they continued the exploration of each other’s mouths and bodies.

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