WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!!!!!! We drove down 59 today and there are these people standing there holding up signs with aborted fetuses on them. It was just so disgusting. Just fucking keep you stupid biggoted christian hick opinions to your fucking selves. Goddamit. I mean there are fucking little kids that are going to see that shit. It
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Wow. That was fun. John came to my swim meet and Brendon and Dustin came trottting along at his heels. Dustin's very....intersting.....*cough*perv*cough*. But I jest. He's funny even though his mind is thuroughly sittuated in the gutter. Him and Bendon act like an old married couple and they are both very metro
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John and I spent a good amount of time together today. We met downtown at Java then went and sat at the pavillion until this crazy dude scared the crap out of us. Then we scuttled over to Barnes and Nobles and sat agains the wall by the world maps where we saw Susan. By then it was almost time for me to start heading back to John walked my bike
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1. Pick up a book and turn to page twenty two, line eleven, and write down what it says: I had wanted to come to London, and now that I'm here, I couldn't be more miserable
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John is so amazing! He's actually treating me like I'm his girlfriend instead of like the weird chick that I sit next to at parties and kiss occasionally. Thats how I feel most of my old boyfriends have treated me but John doesn't do that, he actually has conversations with me and generally seems to want to be around me. He's at his family's
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