First of all! Happy birthday eleveninches! You're neat-o. You rock the socks off the QAF fandom. (What kind of sock is up to interpretation.) Have a great day, moderately great at the very least
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Re: Just have to comment on how much I LOVE your icon!sweetestdrainJuly 20 2004, 09:10:15 UTC
I utterly died during the original scene. All of the "party crashers" look incredibly gorgeous, and Brian... Oh my. And then when he drags the waiter up the stairs and pins him against the wall?
Sometimes I feel like all 50 of my available icons should be icons of those pants.
Re: Just have to comment on how much I LOVE your icon!viola69July 20 2004, 09:33:28 UTC
Hmmm, just think of the money they would have raised if they had Ebay-ed off THOSE pants over Brian's jeans. ;-) I would have most definitely sold a kidney & some eggs.
I would like to completely fangirl for a moment, and tell everyone to go watch....
I'm sure it's utter brilliance but... *WEEPS AND WEEPS AND WEEPS* Why did my Adobe Premiere die on me? Why couldn't I have vidded this song first instead of "Shadowman"? *WEEPS AND WEEPS AND WEEPS* I just need to tear out my brain plz omg kthxbi.
That does sucketh. But oh my god, tearing-out-of-your-brain aside, you need to watch it eventually. What was your vid going to be about? I can tell you if Keely's vid is like, similar, or something. :S Okay, so that probably wouldn't help you at all. Bah!
Oh my goodness! Will you be my mediator? I could, like, type up my general ideas, and you can tell me how terribly different it is from keewick's fanvid. <3
I can't believe you're writing the Sam/Justin thing. I really can't. *sigh* And you know I'm just going to have to read it, 'cause, well, I can't not read what you write, but then you're going to have to pay my therapy bills. Because you know they're going to be coming in.
Comments 10
And can't wait to download keewick's vid when I get home from work. :-)
Sometimes I feel like all 50 of my available icons should be icons of those pants.
I would have most definitely sold a kidney & some eggs.
I'm sure it's utter brilliance but... *WEEPS AND WEEPS AND WEEPS* Why did my Adobe Premiere die on me? Why couldn't I have vidded this song first instead of "Shadowman"? *WEEPS AND WEEPS AND WEEPS* I just need to tear out my brain plz omg kthxbi.
Sure, gladly! Type away. :D
I mean, SAM/Justin??? *shudder*
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