FIC: Nobody's a Long Time (Doctor Who, Ten/Jack)

Jul 31, 2006 08:51

Nobody's a Long Time
By sweetestdrain. Doctor/Jack.

Slash. Contains spoilers up to Doctor Who 2x13 "Doomsday", but only speculation for Torchwood (beyond the fact that Jack will be in it). Title from Kenneth Patchen's poem "Lonesome Boy Blues."

Written for _bellacosity in the Tenth Doctor Ficathon. The request was for Ten/Rose/Jack or Ten/Jack, PLOT and kissing. ( Read more... )

tv_doctor who, fic

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Comments 44

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sweetestdrain August 5 2006, 03:39:47 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked.


redscharlach August 1 2006, 22:18:53 UTC
Very nice work! Thoughtful and in character, with a delicious ending.


sweetestdrain August 5 2006, 03:39:23 UTC
Thank you!


passionflows August 2 2006, 01:28:24 UTC
Yesss. This is exactly how Ten/Jack is supposed to be written. I may or may not have made ridiculous flaily noises and waved my arms around like a lunatic. I think that means this is very, very good. Now I have to read it again.


sweetestdrain August 5 2006, 03:38:50 UTC
And your comment may or may not have made me grin wildly for minutes on end. Thanks! (And oh, I love your icon.)


cyberducks August 2 2006, 01:51:29 UTC
Hey, you made me like Ten! And I love Jack anyways, but he was especially lovely here.


sweetestdrain August 5 2006, 03:36:47 UTC
Hee, I'm glad! Thank you. :)


srin August 2 2006, 14:38:11 UTC
Oo, I like this. In a lot of cases I end up skimming the plot portions of Fics With Plot because they're not that interesting and I'm only there for the characterization, but your plot was clever and original and just as interesting as the character interaction and yay! I especially like the fact that the Doctor didn't know instantly what was going on and had to run around figuring it out like on the show. (And further yay for the links to images of the art you mentioned.) Great mystery and suspense, and your Jack and Doctor both seem spot on, and I just love the end. Excellent job!


sweetestdrain August 5 2006, 03:35:42 UTC
Oh, thank you! I don't often set out to write things with a plot, so I was a bit worried about things like pacing (and things like whether it was interesting in the least). It's fantastic to hear that you liked it!


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