So last night, I had a very weird, very vivid dream where I was somewhere with friends and we were talking about Kyra Sedgwick dying. Then I woke up and believed for 10 staight minutes that she really had died. It was that vivid
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So my best friend is in a fight with her old best friend (the same girl who's dating that guy I liked) and a bunch of random crap has happened between them. Of course, I'm the soundboard for my friend, and so she's shown me facebook messages (cause they fought on facebook, which was reallky dumb) and it sucks cause I see both
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[icons] |01-06| - Criminal Minds |07-25| - Leverage |26-42| - Psych |43-60| - The Closer |61-72| - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest |73-74| - The Shining |75-78| - Toy Story 1, 2, 3 |76-91| - Toy Story quotes/random text