Title: Operation [Personal Hamachan]
Pairing: Hamanaka Bunichi x Hamada Takahiro
Safety level: 75%
Summary: Bunichi liked Hamachan for a long while and intends to make Hamachan his own
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine, nothing of the story is proven to be true
Operation [Personal Hamachan]
Plan A: Take by force
When a chance appears, lift Hamachan and run to safety.
Plan B: Trade
Kidnap Daichi and Akito and trade with Junta for Hamachan.
Plan C: Use a trap
Say you have to show him something and then lock him up.
Plan D: Clone
Steal some DNA and wait until human cloning is done normally.
Plan E: Confess
If all else fails, just confess.
Bunichi looked down ar his list. Confess. There must be another way. They might have almost kissed (if it even was that), but he only got sleep-hugged. There was no way he could confess now. Plus, it seemed the younger boy decided to avoid him.
At least Bunichi should talk to him.
When they ran into each other Bunichi grabbed his wrist and pulled him into an empty room. The startled boy started apologizing immediately.
"Why do you say you're sorry? What for?" Bunichi asked.
"Because I almost kissed you and then you slapped me, but then I sleep-hugged you! I'm sorry!"
Slapped him? Bunichi wouldn't do that to his Hamachan.
Did he just say "I almost kissed you"?
So it was a kiss!
He grabbed both of Hamachans hands and pushed him towards the couch. The tall boy looked scared and it was too cute to stop. Bunichi sat himself on Hamachans lap, pushing his hands behind Hamachans back.
Slowely he moved in. So close. Like when he closed his eyes.
Hamachans eyes where shut in anticipation of whatever horror Bunichi was going to bring on him.
"Suki" Bunichi whispered.
Hamachan was suprised.
"Then it would have been ok? To kiss you I mean" He informed shyly.
"Of course!" Bunichi stated.
Hamachan placed his hands around Bunichi's face and softly kissed him.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm sooooooooo wayyy to impatiant for multichaps XD
Normally I write short (one page most of the time) plot? what plot?
But I wanted to try it and I had to because of the multiple plans.
I hope you enjoyed it ^.^