Title: Operation [Personal Hamachan]
Pairing: Hamanaka Bunichi x Hamada Takahiro
Safety level: 90%
Summary: Bunichi liked Hamachan for a long while and intends to make Hamachan his own
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine, nothing of the story is proven to be true
Operation [Personal Hamachan]
Plan A: Take by force
When a chance appears, lift Hamachan and run to safety.
Plan B: Trade
Kidnap Daichi and Akito and trade with Junta for Hamachan.
Plan C: Use a trap
Say you have to show him something and then lock him up.
Plan D: Clone
Steal some DNA and wait until human cloning is done normally.
Plan E: Confess
If all else fails, just confess.
Bunichi couldn't sleep. So close. When he closed his eyes he imagines it all over again. And everythime the butterflies in his belly start flying around. But everytime, they fall down abruptly. Stupid Maashii. He wanderes though, maybe even if Maashii didn't interfere, nothing would have happened. Maybe Hamachan doesn't even like him in such a way.
Not that that would make any diffrence if he had his very own Hamachan, freshly cloned especially for him. But he would need a DNA-sample.
Bunichi started lingering in the corridors again. A couple of days passed since they last met. Maybe Hamachan was avoiding him.
He could call him. Or leave a note. But what was Bunichi supposed to say?
'Hello, could I borrow some hairs' ?
Even he found that creepy.
Another couple of days later a chance appeared. Hamachan, HIS Hamachan, was sleeping on the couch of BOYS dressing room. If only he could get Daichi to-
"Ah! Bunchan! Have you seen Ryuta?" The obstacle asked.
When Daichi was properly gone, he sneaked closer to Hamachan. What shall he take? A hair? A nail? He stroked the younger boys hands. His nails were already short. It had to be a hair.
Then, out of nowhere, two arms pulled him close. He looked up at Hamachans face, but he seemed fast asleep. Well, not that Bunichi minds. He snuggled closer to his (hopefully) soon to be love. Bunichi started thinking. He could do all kinds of things to his sleeping body. He chuckled at the idea.
Apparently Hamachan heard that, 'cause he was suddenly awake.
"I'm sorry!" Hamachan said.
"I must have sleep-hugged you!"
"I'm sorry" He said another time and left.
Bunichi couldn't believe that even this plan failed