Aug 27, 2009 14:03


-- You may vote for 2 stories in each category.
-- Once again, we ask that during the nominating process, you do NOT vote for yourself.
-- Starred * stories are already locked in as nominees in the upcoming final ballot, and they will not appear on this run-off ballot.
-- There will be 5 total nominees for each category on the final ballot.
-- If you do not see your nomination listed it may be for one of the following reasons: you did not follow the nominating rules, you nominated yourself, or you did not provide enough information for us to locate the story's URL or the author or the category.
-- Please use the following link in order to vote in the run-off ballot.


The final ballot will be up for voting on SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 2009.

Smallville Fanfiction Awards 2009 - Full List of Nominees


Best Overall Super-Short
Close to the Source - htbthomas *
In Vino Veritas - htbthomas *

Fading In - ImpNo1
Future Tense - katshakespeare
A Gentle Rending - brdwaybebe
Just Right - ancarett
Keeping Score - Dannyblue
Now He Knows - Paloma
The Return - katshakespeare
Seconds Til Midnight - saavikam77
{the storms are raging on the rolling seas} - falsemurmur
You Light Up My Life - danceswithgary

Best Overall Short
Jumpline - htbthomas *
Vers - Interstellar *

1,2,3,4 - htbthomas
Breaking The Rules - me_ya_ri
Confession - htbthomas
The End of the Beginning - katshakespeare
It Comes and Goes in Waves - abvj
It’s Your Birthday, Lois Lane - htbthomas
The Kissing Booth - katshakespeare
Lucky - kabuki_party
A Momentary Thing - onlyworksintheory
Outside the Lines - novadelphine
Popsicle Soup - krysyuy
Sunflowers - Jade4813
A Time Remembered - twinsarein

Best Overall Mid-Length
Bloodlines - xenokattz *
Fortress - daydreamer10101 *
The Search for Lois Lane - babettew54 *

Can’t Get Enough - kellydlugo
Comfort of Adversity - kantayra
A Dream of Angels - Catheryne
Future Tense - xxVisionGirlxx
Goodbye - daydreamer10101
Scion - htbthomas

Best Overall Epic
Shots - MacKenzie-1111 *
A World Without Lois Lane - Jade4813 *

Can't Find My Way Home - rednihilist
Deep Breath - bella8876
Ends and Means - newbatgirl
“I’ll Explain Everything When It’s Friday” - bella8876
Identical - Lanning Cook
The Long Road Home - katekeane
Lose It - Rachel
Manual Transmission - bipolypesca
Mariposa - roxymissrose
Metropolis: New Beginnings - cloisthelegendbegins
Undercover at Metropolis University - sana



Best Fic Written in 2009
Jumpline - htbthomas *

1,2,3,4 - htbthomas
Blind Trust - htbthomas
Can't Find My Way Home - rednihilist
City of Gold - Lolo Kent
Collaborator - Panache
Faulty Geometry - kelly4
It Comes and Goes in Waves - abvj
One Moment Away - mutemime
Past Imperfect - EllaBlue
Popsicle Soup - krysyuy
The Search for Lois Lane - babettew54
Time Travel 101 - seaouryou
Vers - Interstellar

Best Fic Written in 2008
Clark Frost - htbthomas *

Bloodlines - xenokattz
Breaking The Rules - me_ya_ri
Déjà Vu - gen717
Erotic Sickness - Melanie
En Tempus Veritas - Briee
Fortress - daydreamer10101
Metropolis: New Beginnings - cloisthelegendbegins
More than a Kiss - htbthomas
Scion - htbthomas
Shots - MacKenzie-1111
A World Without Superman - Jade4813

Best Fic Written in 2007
Bathtime Fun - katshakespeare
Is This Love? - ancarett
The Long Road Home - katekeane
Paradise Found? - katshakespeare
Tomorrow Already - scribe
A World Without Lois Lane - Jade4813

Best Fic Written in 2006 or Before
Undercover at Metropolis University - Sana *

Can’t Get Enough - kellydlugo
Full of Grace - DanaButterfly
Future Tense - xxVisionGirlxx
Lex & Clark Do Europe - roxy
Our Blessings - kalisarea
Sex and the Single Superhero - Cheryl Forbes
The Sunflower Journal - kalisarea



Best Clois (Lois/Clark)
At the Side of the Road - katshakespeare *
En Tempus Veritas - Briee *

1,2,3,4 - htbthomas
Bloodlines - xenokattz
Can’t Get Enough - kellydlugo
Free Fall - krysyuy
A Momentary Thing - onlyworksintheory
One Moment Away - mutemime
Past Imperfect - Ella Blue
Sunshine - xenokattz
Use Somebody - fallenstar_88
You and Me, We're A Front Page Story - amidalashari

Best Clana (Clark/Lana)
[no nominations given]

Best Chlark (Clark/Chloe)
Almost Clark - April *
Coping Strategies - marikology *

Best Lollie (Lois/Oliver)
[no nominations given]

Best Chimmy (Chloe/Jimmy)
All That You Are - Logans4ever *
Confession - htbthomas *
Do or Dye - htbthomas *

Best Lexana (Lex/Lana)
A Weekend Away - scribe *
Let it Rain - Helena *

Best Clex (Clark/Lex)
Fried Cheese and Castles - danceswithgary *
The Kryptonian Historian - Me-ya-ri *
Omiai - rose_emily *

Best Other (Any other pairing)
Chloe/Lex in Christmas in Metropolis - Panache *
Chloe/Lex in Irrevocable - Zannie (download) *
Chloe/Oliver in Rooftop Meetings - gen717 *
Chloe/Bruce in Mortal Coil - scribe *
Clark/Whitney in See the Sun - supercaptian182 *



Best Clark-centric
Close To The Source - htbthomas *

Bloodlines - xenokattz
Free Fall - krysyuy
Interstitial - Punk
Love You Forever - ravenangel
Mariposa - roxymissrose
One Moment Away - mutemime
A World Without Superman - Jade4813
Meet Me In Smallville - Interstellar
Recurve - El Duderino

Best Lois-centric
Being Mrs. Superman - Mercedes88
En Tempus Veritas - briee
First Against the Wall - Interstellar
Hear My Heartbeat on a Staircase - krysyuy
Jumpline - htbthomas
L.L.K. - mutemime
The Murder of Clark Kent - Jade4813
Poker Face - moonshinescribe
A World Without Lois Lane - Jade4813

Best Chloe-centric
Christmas in Metropolis - Panache *
Click Your Heels Three Times - simplytoopretty *
The Guardian - xxVisionGirlxx *

Best Lana-centric
The Return - katshakespeare *

Best Lex-centric
iHero - Bernice *
Mercy - Koi *
We Perish Each Alone - The Lady Arianrod *

Best Other-centric
Sam Lane in The General's Daughter - Jade4813 *
Jimmy Olsen in Let’s Be Adults Here - ImpNo1
Martha Kent in Peace Comes Dropping Slow - thedeadparrot



Best Kiss
Kissing Booth - katshakespeare *

Blind Trust - htbthomas
Close Shave - twinsarein
Just a Kiss - shopfront
More than a Kiss - svgurl
My Favorite Martian - sundroptea
Story of a Lifetime - Dreams of Never (chapter 12)
Vers - Interstellar (Chapter V - middle)

Best Love Scene
At the Side of the Road - katshakespeare *

Bathtime Fun - katshakespeare
Closet - Lucy
Eggnog - twinsarein
Possession, After Dark - ParadiseSummer
Save Me - twinsarein
So Lois - htbthomas
Taking Steps - Paloma
Winging It - Interstellar

Best Cliff Hanger
Erotic Sickness - Melanie (Chapter 5) *
Metropolis: New Beginnings - cloisthelegendbegins (Chapter 35) *
Pick Your Label - Mercedes88 (Chapter 4) *
A Night Out - superlc529 (end of prologue) *

Best Reveal
1,2,3,4 - htbthomas
Blind Trust - htbthomas
Clark Frost - htbthomas
Capacity For Good: The End Of Days - El Duderino (Chapter 6)
Lucky - kabuki_party
Metropolis: New Beginnings - cloisthelegendbegins (Chapters 39-40)
Past Imperfect - EllaBlue (Chapters 10-11)

Best One Liner
Shaking her head with an amused grin, she let herself lean down so that her toe was dragging the ground and pointed out, "You know, Smallville, when you're only off the ground by about three inches, I'd say that's more floating then flying."
He rolled his eyes and gently pulled her back up into his arms. "Just enjoy the fact that we're defying gravity here, okay, Lois?"
- En Tempus Veritas - briee
Lois glared at Perry, gesturing with one hand to Clark. "What can he do for me? Bale hay? De-tassel corn? Farm skills aren't any use at the Planet unless he's writing the agriculture report."
- Is This Love? - ancarett

“Purple shoes. Who you kidding?”
- Making the Most of Your Quarter-Life Crisis - azrielle_jones
"I don’t need a goddess by my side; I only need you. And I don’t care what the rest of the world has to say or who they think I should be with. They don’t know you like I do, so if they don’t know that you’re worth ten Wonder Women, then it’s their loss. And, frankly, if people wonder think you’re lucky to have me, than the joke’s on them, because I wake up every morning thinking of how lucky I am to have you.”
- One Year Later: The Second Year of a Relationship - Jade4813
Lois rolled her eyes. “Come on, you aren’t freaked out by this whole blast to the past? I mean, that kid should seriously be wearing a sweater saying ‘spoiler alert’.”
- Past Imperfect - rayett
"As Lois Lane walked away, Clark knew. He knew it like he knew his own name. Like he knew every curve of her face. Every fleck of gold in her hazel eyes. This was it. She was the one."
- Pick Your Label - Mercedes88

Best Ending
At the end of the world - bones4life
Is This Love? - ancarett
Can't Find My Way Home - rednihilist
Can’t Get Enough - kellydlugo
Popsicle Soup - krysyuy
Time Travel 101 - seaouryou
Undercover at Metropolis University - Sana



Best use of the “Justice League” fic
Free Fall - krysyuy *
Goodbye - daydreamer10101 *
Past Imperfect - EllaBlue *
Precipice - Annie M *

Best use of the “Legion” fic
This is a Job For... - lily_268 *
Touched - Mercedes88 *
Scion - htbthomas *

Best Smallville-centric
En Tempus Veritas - Briee *
Peace Comes Dropping Slow - thedeadparrot *

Best Metropolis-centric
Undercover at Metropolis University - Sana *
Metropolis: New Beginnings - cloisthelegendbegins *
Story of a Lifetime - DreamsofNever *
Vertigo - ancarett *

Best Red-Blue Blur fic
1,2,3,4 - htbthomas *

Blind Trust - htbthomas
Bluretto Flashes - starrylites
Fortress - daydreamer10101
One moment away - bones4life
Story of a Lifetime - DreamsofNever
You, Me, and the RBB - artiist1284

Best Kent Family fic
En Tempus Veritas - briee
I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day - laurelnola
Idyllic - Kat Reitz and Perryvic
It Comes and Goes in Waves - abvj
The Kindness of Strangers - ljs_lj
Two Halves - Dolimir
When the Sky is Falling - huzzlewhat

Best “Future” fic
Bloodlines - xenokattz *
Future Tense - katshakespeare *

Being Mrs Superman - Mercedes88
Execution - tallihensia
Free Fall - krysyuy
Jumpline - htbthomas
Metropolis: New Beginnings - cloisthelegendbegins
Past Imperfect - rayett
Precipice - Annie M
Prophet of Eden - Destina Fortunato
Wisdom to Know the Difference - bipolypesca

Best WIP
En Tempus Veritas - Briee *
Free Fall - krysyuy *

Desperate Measures - kelly4
The End of the Beginning - ljparis/katshakespeare
Gumshoe - twinsarein
Must Be Dreaming - ladydreamer
One Moment Away - mutemime
Past Imperfect - EllaBlue
The Weight of Consequence - Nautica7mk

Best OC
Jonathan Kent (Clark and Lois's son) in
At the end of the world - bones4life *
Athena in Quicksand - herohunter and ladydreamer *
Kate in Dark Heart - pheonixnz *
Cira Lane-Kent in Past Imperfect - Ella Blue *

Best Villain
Lionel in Can't Find My Way Home - rednihilist *
The Man in Subject - dm_wyatt *
Lex Luthor in Metropolis: New Beginnings - cloisthelegendbegins *
Lex Luthor in The Murder of Clark Kent - Jade4813 *

Best Character Interaction (between two characters, non-romantic)
Chloe and Lois in Christmas in Metropolis - Panache
Clark/Ollie/Bart/AC/Victor/Lois in En Tempus Veritas - briee
Clark and Cira in Past Imperfect - Ella Blue
Lex and Lucas in Project Perdiccas - seaouryou
Clark and Mercy in Still Two Fools - kantayra
Lois/Martha in A World Without Lois Lane - Jade4813

Best Series
The Search for Lois Lane - babettew54 *

The Protector Series - briee *
Through a Mother's Eyes
Prelude to Destiny
What I'm Here For

Capacity for Good Series - El Duderino *
All the While
At Last
The Light That Shows The Way
The Second Emissary
The End of Days
The Last Son

DI Challenge - Lucy *

The Bloodlines Trilogy - xenokattz *

Best Overall Author
htbthomas *
extrasolar *
roxymissrose *


Congratulations to all nominees. Check back on SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 for the FINAL BALLOT.

run-off ballot, 2009, nominations

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