LOL. today my dog jumped off our second story porch down the hill to the lake, in which he proceded to cross the ice and run around like a maniac thinking he had a huge field. then he couldn't find home. So i had to go down and help him get off the ice. scary, yet aboslutely hilarious now that hes okay lol.
So dad went by ambulance on Tuesday and David my brother went by amubulance on Wednesday. poor kid. everything will be okay =) just sucks in the meantime.
We played Canada last night, and won like 56-0. They ran the clock, it
was a long game lol. The boys acctually said "eh" too it was great. At
half time abby came and told me she bought me a present and to come
with her....
HEHE and i got to see my SILLYFACE!!!