Guess I'm updating, mmk?

Oct 18, 2005 16:11

School: Had my first midterm of the term today in Piano; I got 100%. I'd be worried if I got anything less than that, really. Tomorrow is the midterm in Sociology of Mental Illness; Thursday is the midterm in Urban Studies and Planning. Also, I've got an online midterm for Psychology of Women. Yeah, 4 midterms in one week. I'm just glad I don' ( Read more... )

events, general, school, family

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Comments 4

doredy October 18 2005, 23:14:08 UTC
I've never heard of Girlyman, but I adore Dar Williams.


little_emo_boy October 18 2005, 23:30:41 UTC
Oh I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking! (assuming everybody is included in "y'all")


anonymous October 19 2005, 03:26:59 UTC
Do the fruity Jones' sodas have caffeine in 'em? I don't know myself. Not that I have much of an investment in the whole no-caffeine thing, but it is interesting to watch!

Persian food sounds delish. Anything with salmon does, really.


erictheconfused October 19 2005, 05:48:56 UTC
I think I'm taking your caffeine addiction.


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