Disqualified for not entering:
g0tn00dles Vote in a comment to this post.
Vote for 1 (ONE) icon of lesser quality to be eliminated, and 1 (ONE) icon as your favorite for People's Choice awards. For the elimination icons, please do judge based on overall technique and quality, not your personal preferences. We reserve the right to ask for further explanation or to void any vote we feel unfair. Reason for your favourite icon is optional, but you have to give reason for your eliminations.
Do not vote for your own icons for either category.
Anyone can vote. You do not have to be a participant or a member to vote.
If you have participated, you are encouraged to vote.
Voting format:
#101 - The icon is too washed out.
#104 - Awesome colouring, the cropping is original as well.
Eliminations:# - REASON
Favourites:# - REASON
Voting ends on Monday, October 19, 2009, 12pm (GMT+8).