FIltered to spectre's Band except Serenity

Oct 15, 2009 23:03

Oh shit.

Guys, Mums heard about what Kat did (I don't even know how) and she's coming to you. Well...she's coming to Kat. Thank Christ.

Also? She totally boxed my ears, made me eat green beans and then grounded me for my part in it all. I deserved it.

No news on Peter. We're still trying.

mumsie always wins, heh, whoopsies!, spectre is a god

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Comments 16

deirdre_ionuin October 15 2009, 12:10:27 UTC

Lavinia. She'll be like a breath of fresh, arse-kicking air.


suave_thomas October 15 2009, 12:11:52 UTC
Hearts back at you.

That perfectly describes my Mumsie. I offered to pay for the flight and she said, "I'm rich now, where have you been! Wait, don't answer that!" and then she laughed for about twenty minutes while I gaped at her. No one is like my Mumsie.


myeyesarehollow October 16 2009, 02:17:00 UTC
I want to see Lavinia. Having a mum here will be really good. Rock mum.

Are you okay, Thomas?

Are you really grounded?


suave_thomas October 16 2009, 02:17:51 UTC
She's the best there is.

I guess I will be.

And no, it was more a metaphorical grounding. I am suitably ashamed.


in_spectre_mors October 18 2009, 09:14:19 UTC
I know Mums would have been most wise and fair. And she will be with Kat, too. Which isn't to say that Kat will like it...

I'm glad she'll be here. Having a Mums around is always a welcome thing.

I love you, my Thomas. We'll find Peter. It's what we do.


suave_thomas October 18 2009, 09:22:59 UTC
Kat will just have to deal. I didn't like her flopping on top of me like a fucking fish either. Grr.

Let Mums give you lots of love, Babe.

I love you too. And yeah.


in_spectre_mors October 18 2009, 11:15:24 UTC
I can quite imagine, my poor darling. Grr indeed.

Believe me, I will at that. Mums love is some of the best love there is.


suave_thomas October 18 2009, 11:21:59 UTC
I really wish I could be there. I still feel like such a loser. And I'm not helping Peter. I think I'm helping Bentley though. He keeps having the visions and he needs someone to explain it all to him. Poor kid.

It really is. And I do believe you could use some.


chase_dragons October 18 2009, 09:15:57 UTC
Fuck, I hope Peter's giving 'em hell.

Thanks for the update, dude. We'll be ready for the hellcat!


suave_thomas October 18 2009, 09:23:28 UTC
That's my Peter.

Treat her well. She's a Queen, you know?


chase_dragons October 18 2009, 11:15:50 UTC
Hell yes, dude. Nothing but the best for Lavinia.


suave_thomas October 18 2009, 11:22:41 UTC
And you'll make sure she eats instead of just letting her make sure everyone else does? She does that sometimes!


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