I feel like dancing!

Aug 11, 2005 12:49

Yes folks I feel like dancing, but I can't find any good music to dance to, I'm just not feeling the radio, poop ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

iheartpuddles August 11 2005, 10:34:18 UTC
i miss you. alot. marry me? orrr what are you doing tomorrow night?


geekaleek August 11 2005, 14:52:39 UTC
very excited for saturday.
i definitely miss you, kiddo.
much love.


nepqtpie August 11 2005, 15:48:30 UTC
cant wait for your party!!! i got your voice mail message today about it, and it made me very excited!!! yay!!

in other news: why the fuck would the college board actually GIVE us our scores?!?! its CRAAAAAAAZY of you to think that!!! pshh! well, let me know i when you finally get yours...if that day ever comes.



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