Submissions Period Open Until May 25

May 02, 2011 17:19

This is a reminder that Shweta and I are reading for our guest-edited issue of Stone Telling until May 25. We've received some really outstanding work, but would love to see more! Especially if you're a poet who hasn't been published in Stone Telling before, this may be the issue to try your luck. We've already accepted work by Nisi Shawl and Meena Kandasami, so you'll be in great company!

Along with loving things that are inter--, intersectional, international, interstitial (interstellar?), Shweta and I are excited to announce we have a theme emerging of journeys/transitions/becoming. So if you've got a piece along that theme, we would be thrilled to consider it.

Here are the guidelines for submission. We ask everyone to make special note of the three-poem limit per submission; it's just easier for Shweta and I to keep track of what we've read if everybody stays within the limit.

Please feel free to signal-boost to interested parties!
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