recovering the satellites

Nov 04, 2006 02:28

Date: 03 November 2004
Character(s): Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Location: Wales
Status: Private
Summary: The trio spends their first hours after the war recovering.
Completion: Complete

It was hard to relax. It's just that... after seven years, how could you just let you just let go? How could you sleep through the night without waking every hour to make sure that you were still alive?

"Bollocks," Harry said, staring at his reflection in the mirror of the loo. He looked horrible. There were dark circles under his eyes, his hair was still caked with mud and what appeared to be blood... that wasn't his own, and he looked much younger than his twenty-four years. A shower was in order, and after washing off the remains of a long, bloody war, Harry pulled on some clean clothes and went out into the bedroom.

This place was giving him the fucking creeps.

Hermione and Ron were waiting for him, looking as bad as he felt. "So now what?" He said, taking a seat on the bed they were both sprawled across.

ron weasley, november 2004, harry potter, hermione granger

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