Oooh I love your "purse", that I would call a bag, hehe. I'm intrigued as to this bag/purse thing. Here a purse = something a woman keeps her money in, particularly coins, and a bag is just, well... a bag, lol. Is there a certain size over which a purse becomes a bag, or is it a bit of a grey area? Haha, I can't believe I'm going into such detail about this.
Over here, I think "purse" is a term for what a woman keeps... everything in. Heh. Wallet, brush, makeup, whatever. They're used interchangably though, from my experience. At any rate, I say "bag" or "purse" for anything that a woman keeps her personal type stuff in, I'm not picky.
I think I'm one of the few psych majors at my school who hasn't taken abnormal yet. It's sort of the quintessential stuff for laymen, what psychology is all about. Most people seem go right from Intro right to Abnormal, which is designated a senior level course here. I've got it on my schedule for next semester, and I'm excited about it. Or I'm sure I will be once we get past the basics.
Comments 6
And yay! I haven't typed up or posted Chapter 15 yet, so yeah... heh. But yay for rereading and stuff :D Hee.
I've really got to do a MAD one of these days!
And yes, MAD is very fun :D Hee.
Love the hot pink razor, btw :-)
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