My "photoshop skills" are a little "rusty"

Jan 12, 2011 01:11

This is how I spent my night thanks to adoorhasopened. I might make some more because I have a whole 'nother page of fall out boy lyrics heh.

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type: picspam, pairing: pinto

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Comments 8

mulder200 January 12 2011, 07:12:11 UTC


stfu_pwentzz January 13 2011, 13:29:11 UTC
Aw thanks!


inthenameofjuc January 12 2011, 07:45:06 UTC


stfu_pwentzz January 13 2011, 13:29:21 UTC
:') Thank you so much


wolfhaton January 12 2011, 15:00:36 UTC
i'll never be able to not associate fob with pinto now. @u@


stfu_pwentzz January 13 2011, 13:30:17 UTC
Mwhahahahah Neither can I I mean that was the plan all along >:D


adoorhasopened January 13 2011, 03:49:16 UTC
I love all of these so!

*wibbles* Poor John Cho in that one. I'm slightly mollified that he is actually married. :P

I think 'photo proofed kisses' might be my favorite one. It's SO sweet and that's one of my favorite pics of them and it implies so much. But then again I really love most of these. I don't know if I could actually choose a favorite.

I'm seriously thinking about writing a FOB-based ficlet for them now. i can see so many stories in their lyrics.


stfu_pwentzz January 13 2011, 13:31:59 UTC
Right? The whole time I was gathering lyrics my brain was going crazy with "You should write some ficlets instead of make pictures" but go right ahead :D I would love to read them!

I do really want to write something based off of "G.I.N.A.S.F.S." though.

Thank you so much bb ♥


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