Title: SLEEPLESS (A sequel of sorts to LETTERS.) Author: Jules Rating: R-ish (for language) Characters: John and Teyla Genre: Beats the heck out of me Spoilers: No Man's Land, Misbegotten Word Count: 1422
So, let's say they do go with the 6 month hiatus at the end of the year, what types of things would you all be interested in to keep the list active during that time
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Okay, hi....I have a new Wallpaper that I am in love with myself...sorry...I just like it a lot...It's from one of my own caps from HOT ZONE...it's a cap where you see Teyla's skirt twirling towards John as he stands just about one to two feet away from her..and I thought that cap deserved a moment on its own..hope you like it cause I've made like
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I can't rightly remember when this was done, but I do know it belongs here on the GW LJ....since we didn't have the LJ at the time I hosted the fic, or actually the round-robin we did....Hope you all remembered this....we must do another soon.....:-)
Started with an innocent enough statement from HyperCaz, and slowly evolved into a very interesting
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Fic Challenge: write a brief story about the "he cares for you more than you know" moment. Here are the characters to tell us what they were thinking: Teyla, Weir OR Phoebus, Rodney, Caldwell, Thalan, then John. There are no wrong answers, just have fun with it
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