Title: Faint of Heart, 10/17
Pairing: House/Cuddy established
Warnings: Some explicit content, some fluff.
Summary: House and Cuddy need a vacation, and they take one, but it isn't that simple. Set in the sharkverse, and will include events from "Recession Proof" and "The Last Temptation."
Comments appreciated.
Part 10 )
Comments 14
House the communicator with adolescent boys! Much more effective than most real life dads. He's reluctant but instinctively understanding. This is a nice touch.
BTW you've accidentally changed our hero's gender in the sentence "House forced herself to stand perfectly still," following Nick saying his birth killed his mother.
I'm still absorbing this nice long instalment-good to see it :)
I wonder why House wanted to speak to April.
and the best line: Nolan kept badgering House to acknowledge that there were good times in his childhood as well as painful and lonely ones, and House kept trying to knock it through his shrink’s thick skull that that was the fucking problem.
I really enjoy your writing. Please keep the story coming!
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
What's April's problem with bats? I hope you're going to clarify matters. As for House; roll on the next instalment.
Next chapter will be up tomorrow or Monday. Thanks for commenting.
Fascinated to see what the latest crisis is, especially that resulted in the need for April's special services. I guessed way wrong last time with Cuddy, so I'll just wait to for the reveal. It's not every couple who takes a vacation/honeymoon, and both end up busted (if that indeed is what's happened).
Hope RL is going easier on you! :)
Thanks for the review.
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