Second day in a row!!!

Jun 11, 2005 08:03 I've decided that if I'm going to continue to post in here, it's most likely only going to be posts on the exciting events that happened at work the night before because honestly...I have NOTHING else to talk about...unless it's sunday or monday. Why? well let me tell you, my days go like this...usually get home from work at around 7:30am ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

thirty6daydream June 11 2005, 15:52:17 UTC
I loved that story. I could just see you being somewhat sarcastic but not full-fledged. I imagined the whole thing...ahh...good piece of writing. Scott is a douchebag. HahahaHaha. Loved it.


daywalt5 June 11 2005, 21:15:28 UTC
I also enjoyed the story of Scott the genius. It was so awesome, Adam and I were talking about it today while walking downtown. Fun times.


marg3leo June 12 2005, 11:52:41 UTC
especially when it's moist kind and not as much solid...gross i know...but true <----best line ever!

Yeah, scott sure sounds like a douche bag.


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