
Nov 30, 2005 12:41

yesterday was an awesome day.
no work and loads of good times.

went out with tommy last night for his first drink at a bar as a 21 year old!

congrats to yutzyjbear on her quarter of a century, and to my baby bro on finally being legal ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

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starlitehook November 30 2005, 18:41:24 UTC
you betcha!


jephinner2 November 30 2005, 19:26:57 UTC
whoa. whoa. party?


starlitehook December 1 2005, 01:22:52 UTC
no clue. he's kind of a bum. i think we may go to AC in a few weeks. you should come.


jephinner2 December 1 2005, 04:55:35 UTC
perhaps i will my friend. perhaps i will. just remind me. cause i'm dumb and i forget.

and who's "he?"


tallltim November 30 2005, 19:33:10 UTC
No work, huh? Muuuuust be nice! (We need pictures of the hottt dress. Because, well, umm, yeah...)


starlitehook December 1 2005, 01:22:23 UTC
ooh timmah. you'll get 'em. you want pics of the slinky gold halter dress, or the black strapless one?


imnothawaiian November 30 2005, 23:26:04 UTC
I would of come up for little tommie's birthday but I'm a sad, old man and was asleep when you IMed me.


starlitehook December 1 2005, 01:21:55 UTC
ahh that's alright. i was asleep until i heard him come in through the garage. then i got out of bed and asked him what he was doing home on his birthday night. he said something about plans falling through, and i told him that i'd take him out and to call people to meet us. just thought you'd like the invite. we should get together soon now that you're back in the dirty jerz. you've got to come see my super hot kid. you'll be jealous of his studliness. :)


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