Title: _liminal space (2/5)
Theme: Elements: Fire - 2.
Fandom: Prince of Tennis - Tezuka/Fuji.
Rating: overall PG-13, ~500 words
A/N: Military AU. Still no character death, but it might be coming.
( previous parts:
#1: air )
wherein they talk and are mostly such )
Comments 10
"Because it's about time," Fuji says, eyes bright as fire and cold as ice, "this pathetic world go up in flames."
That made me shiver. It's so good. Disturbing, but so good.
Thank you! :)
I love your writing. It's like watching someone make love to the language. It's so rare.
There's something bittersweet and defeatist about it all.
this pathetic world go(es) up in flames."
As for the bittersweet and defeatist, I'm fairly sure it's only going to get worse from here on out! And AP English is entirely to blame. :3
.... oh, wow, I can type. ._. [fixing, yes!]
Oh my goodness. Like. I've been waiting for you to post this since you first excerpted at me. Holy. Crud. ._.
I still can't decide what part is my favourite. Actually, I think I will favourite this. (If I am being delusional, do forgive; I did just wake up and am eating sugar sweet Asian corn puff things hence the one-handed slowness.)
asdgkdasfk *bibble* ♥
also, even if it's not entirely appropriate here...aaaaaxel.
Aww, but now you won't have anything to wait for.
STOP EATING SUGAR, WOMAN D: It's bad for you!
...? o___o roxaaaaaaas.
Unless this was it, that angst that you mentioned not too long ago? :D Also, the continuation of apt(#)~ And this~ An-- Yeah. Still a lot more to wait for. :3
I DID. I restrained myself and put it away. Hence the faster responses on Y!M. x_o;
(...Er, it made more sense when I was thinking it. Something about this being a Tezuka/Fuji post, I guess.) aaaaaaaaaaaaaxel.
"You think this is real? Te-- Captain," Fuji says, almost wistful, almost pitying, "it's not real until someone dies."
I love this AU. It's bittersweet, macabre, reflective and just wonderful.
This makes me tingle with anticipation. GUH it's sexy and so very wrong yet I love it to its and bits.
You AU makes me flutter. 8D
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