Title: Rise
Author: Brigdh
Theme: Seven Deadly Sins - Gluttony
Rating: R for language
Author's Note: 416 words. Last minute posting for the win!
Gluttony: unreasonable consumption of more than is necessary
Gojyo had not needed to be rescued. He'd have been fine on his own, and if he maybe hadn't noticed the three youkai behind him, that was just because he was busy dealing with the one in front. Who, by the way, was really fucking fast with the giant hunk of wood he was using as a club; the thing was thick around as Gojyo's thigh and looked like it had railroad spikes sticking out of it and the bastard had still managed to swing it around his head.
Of course, none of that meant Gojyo needed help. He could have handled it, if Hakkai hadn't hogged all the assassins for himself.
"Hey," Gojyo said. He glanced around but there wasn't much to see, except for corpses and blood and internal organs, so he straightened up, leaning his shakujou against his shoulder. "I was fighting these guys first."
"Yes, and you were doing quite well. Next time you might try being just a bit quicker; perhaps you'd manage to finish them off yourself." Hakkai folded his hands in front of himself and smiled. It was pretty scary, even for Hakkai, but Gojyo was still high enough on adrenaline that he decided to ignore it.
"Whatever. You owe me, man. I had dibs." They turned to head back to Jeep, picking their way through the patches of clean grass. Gojyo stepped in something that squished anyway, but determinedly kept walking without looking down. "A six-pack of beer, and all for me- I'm not sharing with the stinking priest."
Hakkai chuckled. "And that will make us even? I suppose I did overdo it a little; I could have left you a few." Up close, Hakkai was pale, and Gojyo thought his hands might be shaking. What the hell else did you expect would happen when you were selfish enough to take out ten youkai in one qi blast, just because you were under the impression that someone's life might possibly be in danger. That was Hakkai for you. Give him an inch, and he'd take all the fun for himself.
Gojyo sighed and searched his pockets for a cigarette. "Didn't anyone ever teach you to share? You look like shit."
"I was a rather self-centered child." Hakkai shrugged. "But, to tell the truth, I would do it again. I must just be that sort of close-fisted person. You can hold it against me if you like, Gojyo."
Gojyo grinned. "Nah, who cares? Just don't forget the beer."