Title: Fire
Author: Squeeka Cuomo
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sansa/Sandor
Author’s Note: This fic was written for the weekly drabble post at
sansan_got. The theme was "sweet summer child."
Warning: N/A
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: For once, he didn’t fear the fire.
Burning brightly, enveloping everything around it in a swirl of red.
The Hound has always hated it-hated the popping and crackling, the smell and promise of pain.
But there’s fire in her hair, strands of burning crimson that lick at the pale skin of her cheeks.
Sansa Stark, despite being a Northerner, is a sweet child of summer. And it’s no more evident than in the shining of her hair. Her warmth stands out, making everyone else pale in comparison, almost as if she is a beacon of light and warmth.
When he arrived in Winterfell, she was the first thing he noticed. Lined up amongst the rest of her siblings and the rest of the people of the keep, she’d stood out like a blazing fire. And at the feast, he’d noticed that even the Queen’s own golden locks seemed dull in comparison.
As he’d watched her sneak little glances at Joffrey, he’d wondered if the heat of her hair flowed through her veins as well. If what he’d seen of the Stark’s was true, it didn’t - they were as cold as their precious winter. But Sansa Stark was different.
And for once, he didn’t fear the fire.
Squeeka Cuomo’s Notes
- Thanks so much to
simplyprologue for the beta. :)
- Reviews are love.