The LOST-box Project

Jan 20, 2009 23:55

Before we start, everybody already take a look at the boring bentos I just posted before this? Great, now let's get to the good stuff!

Peekaboo eggs + Dharma logo = Win! It's dumb but I like this one because it's the best use of the actual features of the food. Will definitely have to do this again. Egg in a basket, with pesto and cheddar cheese.

The numbers! One of my favorite LOST references. Besides the polar bears, and the fish biscuits, and the Jesus stick...speaking of obscure LOST references, if you know what all those things I just mentioned are, watch this. You'll thank me, it brings the LOLs.

Another shot, from when I went to pack it up. In the end I thought it turned out looking better than the glamour shot. Scratch-made refried beans with chorizo, spinach and homemade tortilla chips.

Took a slightly different angle here. I like to think this is the kind of lunch somebody would pack for a vintage S1 adventure on The Island. Up to the tower, perhaps, or maybe to the rape caves. Gah, I can't wait for new LOST!
Albacore tuna, kiwi, blueberries, mango (hidden) and papaya.

*Sigh* I had such hopes, here. I thought I had actually stumbled on some real inspiration. But I wasn't able to find the black squid ink noodles that I wanted, so I had to improvise. It's broccoli, pasta with pesto, couscous and blueberries. Here, let's try another angle:

BEN: What's this? It's been awhile, but I can't say that I recall a green spaghetti monster on The Island.

SQUEE: I know, I looked all over yesterday for the right stuff but I couldn't find anything. I could have done it all over again tonight but it was the Inauguration and besides my stupid cold is coming back and my voice is killing me and it's not like there are that many foods that look like black smoke monsters anyway. Doesn't it kind of work in an abstract way, if you know what it's supposed to be?

BEN: Meh.

???: Nevermind him, he's an idiot.

SAWYER: Here, I got you some tea. For your throat.

SQUEE: Thank you! You, sir, are a gentleman. Unlike some other people I could name. He's just all butthurt because I didn't make any ham, anyway.


lunchbox project, food, lost

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