my life as a booking agent, part one

Aug 29, 2007 10:25

My girlfriend and I decided a long time ago that it was cool for us to sleep with other girls together. Hooked yet? This is strictly a Chicago phenomenon for us, right now, but we're hoping to expand to new and uncharted territories, like maybe Canada or Minnesota. In our pursuit of the elusive tail, we got this job working at a bar. We threw ( Read more... )

sex ruins lives, work, writing

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Comments 2

_whygeorgiawhy_ August 29 2007, 23:50:56 UTC
Hey not related but sweet score on baton rouge-killer accent I assume-i am running my first half marathon on october 7th, do you have any tips as far as diet, training, or mental preparation for that? This is my first race. I usually run alone and this is the bellingham bay marathon, people around here talk abut it all year. i need some rookie advice if you've got any to spare.


spooned August 30 2007, 18:02:17 UTC
mostly just listen to your body, it knows better than your head. I"m running my first marathon on the 7th! cool. eat lots of iron. make out with girls. That's about it.


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