Submitting Your Draft

Oct 11, 2013 01:28

Just a few more weeks left until the deadline! To submit your competed draft, email it as an attachment (needs to be in .doc format, please) to In the email, please include the following information:

1. LJ username:
2. Final title:
3. Story rating and pairing(s):
4. Story summary for artists:
5. Warnings an artist might need to know about:

The summary here doesn't have to be the one you put on your story - we encourage you to go detailed, since that will help attract more attention from the artists. Stories will be claimed blind (no names attached until everyone's fic is claimed), so keep that in mind when you list both summaries and warnings.

You should receive an email to verify that we've receive your submission. If you've sent it in and haven't heard back from us within 24 hours, please resend so we know we get it. With that done, we're looking forward to seeing what you've done!

Drafts are due by October 31st midnight Pacific Time Zone.

!reminder, !submissions

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