Blood Moon, for quickreaver

Sep 05, 2019 17:30

Title: Blood Moon
Recipient: quickreaver
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~6,600
Author's notes: All your prompts were so fantastic, lovely quickreaver that it was impossible to choose. Finally this story came to me and I hope you like it.

Summary: Sam runs into a hiker while he and Dean are staying at a closed for the season campground on the night ( Read more... )


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Comments 18

crucis01 September 5 2019, 23:31:32 UTC
Oh this was fun!Foreshadowing what's to come, yet the messenger dead before he could say more. Loved it!


tifaching September 14 2019, 19:41:26 UTC
Thank you!


monicawoe September 5 2019, 23:47:54 UTC
Ohhhh fabulous! I love this early peek at Sam’s destiny. Clearly Lucifer (and/or Azazel) was really pissed at Malcolm. I love eclipses myself and the visuals in this were gorgeous. Beautifully done!


tifaching September 14 2019, 19:43:39 UTC
Malcolm should have stayed at his lean to like he was told, lol. Glad the eclipse imagery caught you fancy! Thank you, I'm so happy you liked it!


borgmama1of5 September 5 2019, 23:58:38 UTC
The details in this are exquisite!


tifaching September 14 2019, 19:43:58 UTC
Thank you!


verucasalt123 September 6 2019, 02:28:17 UTC
Beautiful! I love all the little bits of Sam's future - visions and maybe!evil and Azazel but before all that, leaving for Stanford and not knowing when he'll be with his brother again. Lovely.


tifaching September 14 2019, 19:46:15 UTC
Ah, thank you! I loved having a chance to do a pre-show setting. Having this last pre-college experience with Dean was important, I think.


quickreaver September 6 2019, 15:58:08 UTC
This was just DELICIOUS! It felt so much like classic, old school Show. Fabulously atmospheric, brotherly banter, ye olde hurt/comfort, foreshadowing, a snippit of monster POV ... IT'S GOT IT ALL.

I kept stopping at every section break to get a beverage, switch the laundry, yadda, so that it would last longer, hee!

Thank you, lovely writer!


tifaching September 14 2019, 19:50:50 UTC
Thank you! I started a bunch of different things before this came to me for your Siken prompt. So relieved all the bits and pieces worked out! It was so much fun to write this look back.


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