Ménage à Twelve - A Balthazar Comment Fic Meme

Mar 03, 2011 10:29

Because Balthazar continues to be awesome and to celebrate 100+ community members (Yay!), takadainmate and gwaevalarin proudly present

Banner made by the wonderful cienna


1. Prompts have to include Balthazar and/or Sebastian Roché. Other than that, let your imagination run wild: Slash, het, gen, RPF, threesomes, ménage à twelves, true form, kinks, everything is allowed.
2. Post as many prompts as you like, but only one per comment.
3. When you leave a prompt, please include "prompt" in the subject line, when you fill a prompt, please include "fill".
4. Warn for spoilers and potentially triggery material.
5. Play nice: No bashing of actors, characters, fellow LJers, prompts or fills.
6. Pimp:
http://community.livejournal.com/spn_balthazar/16759.html">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Gwaevalarin/spn_balthazar/BalCommentFicMeme.jpg" />

7. Have fun!

Gentle reminder: We already have some awesome prompts, which is great. Keep them coming. Just remember that this only works if you fill prompts too.

Master List of Fills
The Wind and the Sea (Balthazar/Castiel, PG) by gwaevalarin
I See What You Did There (fanart, Castiel/Dean/Balthazar, R) by vicious_sock
I Got This High Without Taking a Pill (Balthazar/Meg, NC-17) by mrs_groban
I Feel Like I Can Touch the Sky (Balthazar/Castiel, NC-17) by mrs_groban
Take me Home (Balthazar/Castiel/Gabriel, NC-17) by littlehollyleaf
Reason in Exile (Balthazar, Castiel, PG) by takadainmate
I'm Only as Crazy as I Believe I Am (Odyssey 5 crossover, PG) by greenx3red
Use Some Company (Balthazar, Castiel, Dean, PG-13) by dauntperplexity

type: comment-fic meme

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